New Grow Room, Any Ideas?


Active Member
okay, i have a room 8x11x6.5. There is about 3 feet of the long side of the room that is being devided by a white bed sheet used for storage, etc. In the center of the room I have a 1000w MH hanging from the ceiling via chains. I have two bathroom fans (made for a 45sq feet room) in the room, one blowing air out of the room into the basement, the other blowing fresh air from a window in the basement into the room. There is also a air purifier in the room, its kind of old though but it still partially works. I really would just like to know what to think. I have some questions too, pretty simple ones though.

is there enough air ventalation?
is a bed sheet deviding the room causing any problems to the babes?
i have a dehumidafier, should i put it in the room every day for an hour?


Well-Known Member
the air flow looks good. the real test will come when you have the lights in action.
i don't see how the sheet will contribute.
I wouldn't start off using the dehumidifier unless mold is an issue.

just my insights.

what will you flower with?


Active Member
The Sheet just devides the room so its a square, even more for looks, I was more wondering if the light could heat it up.

Im pretty low on founds, so I plan on using the same light for veg and flowering. When I purchased my light I was going to get a 1000w HPS but there was a MH bulb that had alsmot as much red spectrum as the HPS but with way more blue spectrum, think I should of gone another way?


Well-Known Member
it doesn't matter now. If the MH turns out not having enough red spectrum perhaps you could supplement it with other lighting. or purchase a cross over bulb. flowering still a while a way if you havent broke seed.

how close is the sheet to the light?


Well-Known Member
okay, i have a room 8x11x6.5. There is about 3 feet of the long side of the room that is being devided by a white bed sheet used for storage, etc. In the center of the room I have a 1000w MH hanging from the ceiling via chains. I have two bathroom fans (made for a 45sq feet room) in the room, one blowing air out of the room into the basement, the other blowing fresh air from a window in the basement into the room. There is also a air purifier in the room, its kind of old though but it still partially works. I really would just like to know what to think. I have some questions too, pretty simple ones though.

is there enough air ventalation?
NO. You have (2) bathroom exhaust fans that cover a 45 sq foot room and your room even with the sheet is 64 sq ft, You want to put a 1000watt furnace in there? You will need to aircool the light or you will have some serious heat issues.

is a bed sheet deviding the room causing any problems to the babes?
No, the sheet isn't going to cause problems unless it gets wet.

i have a dehumidafier, should i put it in the room every day for an hour?
That would depend on what the relative humidity is in the room. What does you hygrometer say? RH of about 40 to 50% would be good at 76-78 degrees farenheit.

I have to ask, if you are low on funds why would you run a 1000 watt light over seedlings or clones. T-12 floros are sufficient and the money you would save not firing that furnace until they get some size would pay for the light. I can run 30 'babys' under 3-2' 2 bulb t-12's and not have to worry about the heat. :confused:VV


Active Member
I have two table fans in the room blowing on high dirrectly at the light, and wouldn't the air purifier help with the cooling of the light?
or should I have 2 fans sucking air out and one sucking air in?

I moved plants from a T5 in my addict under this light, now I plan on cloning these plants and expanding, I plan on doing nothing with seeds.


Well-Known Member
others may better opinions but i say, test it out. you can really get a good feel once you change a fan and check the temps. thats how i have been working my grow closet. and as the days go by better and better ideas come about

good luck


Well-Known Member
I have two table fans in the room blowing on high dirrectly at the light, and wouldn't the air purifier help with the cooling of the light?
or should I have 2 fans sucking air out and one sucking air in?
You will be much happier and spend less money air cooling the light. Since it is a 'closed system' you only need like a 100cfm fan. I just posted a build of a reflector with cool tube. I installed that 1000watt furnace yesterday and remove 2-4'-8 tube T-5 lights. The temperature dropped 2 degrees. The run is probably more than 10' long, 6" pipe, 200cfm in line duct fan from Menards for $26.00. What it amounts to is one fan pushing air thru the light, one putting air in (which can be passive instead) and one exhausting the air from the room, same three fans, just used correctly.

I moved plants from a T5 in my addict under this light, now I plan on cloning these plants and expanding, I plan on doing nothing with seeds.
Ok. Air cool the light. VV