New grow: day 12 veg (First grow journal)


Well-Known Member
hey riu. Im on week 2 of my new grow. They are planted in Fox Farm Happy Frog soil and perillite. I plan on using fox farm grow big and big bloom in a week or so. And for flowering i will be using Tigerbloom.

Lemme know what you guys think?

Also i have a 12/12 from seed going on(pic seven) and was wondering how long usually it takes for them to show sex. its been 12days so far. +rep for help on this question.

The last two pictures are from a plant 60days stunted due to horrible soil. kinda just keeping her around for the time being. she looks horrible though.



Well-Known Member
watered the first picture(plant) today she was bone dry. shes drinking quite fast only been 2 and half days usually takes the full 3 days.


Well-Known Member
today i tore up the 60 day old plant didnt know what was going on underneath the soil but i decided to make room for more seeds im germinating


Well-Known Member
give your plants some bigger homes! once i transplanted all my plants shot up in size! Pic seven is no where near mature enough to show sex.. Check out my journal.. I've also used happy frog. What type of lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
Lights: about 300watts of 4 2700k bulbs and 8 5500k and 6500k cfls. i will be transplanting them into there final homes once i get some more pots to pot them in.

Strain: all bagseed


Well-Known Member
Just made some cat litter boxes into some pots to plant my girls in. i will transplant them once they need water again seeing as i watered them yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Well i transplanted my bigger girls into there new homes. hoping this will be there last home but will see how she developes. My 12/12 girl is doing great and responded well to the LST hoping to see some indication of sex in the come week and half(hopefully). Lemme know wheat every one thinks.

New soil Mixture added 1 tblspn dolomite lime per gallon of Happy Frog soil to help with ph control. Also added about 20% more perrilite to the mix. lemme know what you guys think

-Picture 1- As you can see the cat got ahold of her hope she will be okay.
-Picture 2 & 3- 12/12 girl lst'ed
-Picture 4 & 5- 2nd bagseed( she s the best lookin i think)
-Picture 5 & 6- group picture and updated gro cab



Active Member
lookin good ill have to use yours as my comparison vs nutes and no nutes hehe. im gonna see if i can make it through with no nutes ill just give in and buy them if a problem comes up though


Active Member
so how they doing? i finally got up decent pictures of all mine my brother finally brought over his camera


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking plants mate :) You've got my sub'd. Keep the updates going and i love how you customize, pure survivor!
p.s. We can have a lil' comparison going, im using pure organic nutrients, if your using chemical it'd be good to see the difference :) be checking often mate. Stay tru


Well-Known Member
Hey, just saw your thread and thought this might help.

I did a lot of research on CFL grows a couple of months ago. I ultimately decided on MHs & HPSs when I found some 400w sets for $120 delivered. But I had bought a book called Buds for Less before I found this forum. Then I found the author of the book had his own thread paperclipped in the CFL forums

In his book he grows 3 plants with 8 bulbs and claimed that he couldn't grow the plants any bigger than 20" in veg because it would create too much surface area for the 8 bulbs. So if he's right, then you may want to redesign the cabinet so there's room for more bulbs in order to get bigger plants.

Also if you built a little harness for your lights so you can move them closer to the plants it would probably also help. I'm sure you can find good ideas on different designs from his and other CFL threads. I'd start with his though, there's a lot of info there including (I think) a formula to figure out how many lights you need for the plant surface area that you have.

Good luck.


Active Member
phh shoo with the hps shit lol their looking fine besides the the one that was yellow in the first pictures why change something thats going well