New girl


Hello fellow tokerbongsmilie it is so nice to meet yah! I am a new grower, and have 3 little babies that are just just taking off. The strand is unknown, but where it came from was awesome. I have never grown before, so this is all new to me. We grow under an artificial light indoors. I am so looking forward to discussing with you all and getting some expert advice! :peace: I grow for spiritual and medicinal reasons. I have very few friends that smoke so, I'd like to make friends on here also. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow tokerbongsmilie it is so nice to meet yah! I am a new grower, and have 3 little babies that are just just taking off. The strand is unknown, but where it came from was awesome. I have never grown before, so this is all new to me. We grow under an artificial light indoors. I am so looking forward to discussing with you all and getting some expert advice! :peace: I grow for spiritual and medicinal reasons. I have very few friends that smoke so, I'd like to make friends on here also. :mrgreen:
welcome to the best hobby there is. if you give us your set up (amount and type of light, growing medium, watering schedule, fertilizer, grow space dimensions) then we can give you some tips before you run into any problems.


Active Member
thats new as well got two nice girls into the 2nd week of flowering....what set up are you using? ill give you a break down of what i use....600hps for veg and have a veg room of cfl' farm ocean soil..pureblend pro grow and veg. Now using molasses every other watering for bud growth. let me know whats up...should have a journal of next grow of super skunk and swiss cheese from nirvana. add me and let me know how you're babies are doing