New CFL Grow//NewBEE


Active Member
hey guys im new to the site. been lurkin around as a gues before i gave it a try... i havent grown anything but my own hair so ... um.. yeah. any tips hints are great. anywho i started baybe 9 days ago.. i kinda lost track.... 9 days after "germing" ... im slowly building my closet for an actual "closet grow" right now its just an empty closet with 1 plant and 3 23W Daylight CFLs. now for my question..... how does she look? oh yeah was also wondering why the 2 leaves are yellow at the tips? ive follwed someones grow but forgot to bookmark it... i dont believe it was anything serious for that user because the yellowing went away. should i be concerned? this is my 1st grow, seeing it like this makes me happy thats it even grew but i would be saddened if something is wrong.



Active Member
how much are u watering? When mine were that small I watered until I saw it coming outta the drain holes and stopped. I did this about ever other day and was fine.



Active Member
how much are u watering? When mine were that small I watered until I saw it coming outta the drain holes and stopped. I did this about ever other day and was fine.

hey thx for the reply. yeah i water maybe 2x's a week, i always feel the need to water more because the soil gets and looks really dry... so am i not giving enough water? if thats the problem i would be happy cuz i can fix that :)


Well-Known Member

Couple of tips to keep your new baby healthy. Soil looks a little rough, when you pot up try to get a good quality soil and add perlite to let the roots breath. Try just spraying the seedling for the first week or so as its so easy to overwater and kill it, to me it looks a touch overwatered NOT underwatered. Keep the soil just moist at this stage and it will pull round. Dont feed with anything at this stage either, just let it put that taproot down.

Hope this helps, very best of luck. Keep us updated and shout if you need help :-)


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil is that? Does it have nutrients in it? Why does it look like there's tree bark in there? You are almost certainly going to develope root problems. Get some better soil (fox farms is good) or plain ol' soil and add some vermiculite and perlite to allow oxygen to get to the roots. Other than that it looks like you are doing fine.


Active Member

Couple of tips to keep your new baby healthy. Soil looks a little rough, when you pot up try to get a good quality soil and add perlite to let the roots breath. Try just spraying the seedling for the first week or so as its so easy to overwater and kill it, to me it looks a touch overwatered NOT underwatered. Keep the soil just moist at this stage and it will pull round. Dont feed with anything at this stage either, just let it put that taproot down.

Hope this helps, very best of luck. Keep us updated and shout if you need help :-)

What kind of soil is that? Does it have nutrients in it? Why does it look like there's tree bark in there? You are almost certainly going to develope root problems. Get some better soil (fox farms is good) or plain ol' soil and add some vermiculite and perlite to allow oxygen to get to the roots. Other than that it looks like you are doing fine.

thx guys for chiming in, currently im using MiracleGro Organic Choice PottingMix. is this an ok medium? i wont be able to find any foxfarm where i live. i have a home depot and wallmart close by. i would like to grab the best materials as i can from these stores can anyone tell me what they used from either one or both stores.

this prlite you guys speak of.. how does it look, and when you say mix it in with the soil do i like physically mix it up with my hand or anything of that nature? like i said i really new to growing ANYTHING sorry if im beyond noob status.... im learning :)


Well-Known Member
thx guys for chiming in, currently im using MiracleGro Organic Choice PottingMix. is this an ok medium? i wont be able to find any foxfarm where i live. i have a home depot and wallmart close by. i would like to grab the best materials as i can from these stores can anyone tell me what they used from either one or both stores.

this prlite you guys speak of.. how does it look, and when you say mix it in with the soil do i like physically mix it up with my hand or anything of that nature? like i said i really new to growing ANYTHING sorry if im beyond noob status.... im learning :)
Lots of people have had success with MG soil, lots of had failures. I would go out and get as plain a potting soil as you can and add vermiculite and/or perlite. Look in L&G @ The Home Depot and ask an associate if you are unsure, they know what it is.

I don't like soils that have the nutes in them already, I guess that's just me. I like plain ol' soil and I'll deal with the nutes. Then go get yourself some Fox Farms Grow Big for Veg and Bloom Big for flower.

Good luck, read the Grow FAQ it has a ton of information that will help you in your endeavors.