never grown outdoors before...


Well-Known Member
...just wondering how much faster the growth speed is from indoor to outdoor? i have a good spot, ample sun, kinda shady some parts of the day. and good enhanced soil...



Well-Known Member
From my experiences, and from what I've seen, indoor plants start out quicker and for the first couple of weeks they seem to grow faster. Could be from having a few hours more light. After that you can see a change every day. Sometimes an inch in height on every top in a day.


Well-Known Member
inside is deffinately quicker. i start about 5 plants outside and move one inside under lights. when its finished i plant another seed and keep them rotating.


Well-Known Member
damn it i was hoping itd be the other way around... im getting clones and started my seedling late and im hoping for at least 10 clones hopefully more. but i wanted them to grow fast cuz i wanted a least a qp


Well-Known Member
you can only grow the plant certain heights indoor because of lighting.... and cycles, flowering time ect. outdoor plants grow slower but with good neutrients and around 5-8 hours of light per day. they get alot taller because of the 'SUN" it is the highest power light. depending on when you put it out i have seen plants up to 10 feet tall with buds that yeild a pound per plant. all depends on your skill level dude


Well-Known Member
well one of my babies is going out today. its only a few inches tall. plan to take clones from that around july 10th and root them and plant them outside by july 17th.

and i also plan on getting a few a from a friend. hopefully those will go out sooner than july 17th.

thats kinda my timeline.

and im going to fim, top, and lst...

grow space

Well-Known Member
the great outdoors is the best-free energy.for indoors, you are like a god-you can but them to a lot sooner to flower, but outdoor, your plants will grow a lot, I mean a lot bigger-when growing straight to soil.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Ive found that growing outdoors, plants get off to a really slowww start, but once they are almost a foot tall, they fuckin explode from there!


Well-Known Member
Ive found that growing outdoors, plants get off to a really slowww start, but once they are almost a foot tall, they fuckin explode from there!

:? im going to keep a look out for that then. ill be transplanting in a few hours outside. had a really bad storm come through yesterday so i had to postpone.


Well-Known Member
Sometime around early august they should start to flower. Yeah Zane, I've noticed the same thing.


Well-Known Member
well i transplanted today. holy shit it was hot, i had to cut downa tree and that was fucking hard. i think im going to cut a few more branches. and i cant wait to plant my other clones.

its crazy how fast the undergrowth of the forest grows. i had a hard time finding my spot. which i guess is good. bad news is i forgot my camera :(

but i think i have a good sign abotu my soil cuz of the rain yesterday the natural soil was real wet hard and muddy and my spot with my mix in it it was moist but very airy and not one the bit hard. and ive noticed a few worms everywhere by my hole. worm castings?

im pretty stoked.


Well-Known Member
this all sounds good, and yes it has been very f****n hot out to do any work on the plants.... i sweat just getting to them then im soaked by the time im home.... oh well makes the nice cold beer and a shower feel that much better when i get home :D


Well-Known Member
this all sounds good, and yes it has been very f****n hot out to do any work on the plants.... i sweat just getting to them then im soaked by the time im home.... oh well makes the nice cold beer and a shower feel that much better when i get home :D

haha hell yeah!

i been wanting to go out there today but i dont wanna go out there so much you know. i think once a week is good. but the reasoing is because i wasnt sure if i really needed to wait a week after transplanting to fim. its been 2 or 3 days since being put outside. what you think? wait another 5 days to fim?

or do it sooner since it doesnt matter? i didnt wanna put too much stress on the plant.

its been VERY humid out lately with highs near the 90s if not in the 90s
but nice cool summer humid free nights. hopefully the days cool down a little


Well-Known Member
hopin for a qp! (im getting more plants) but now im just thinking how im going to dry all this if it works. ill be in a dorm by the time this is done... hope my roommate is cool lol


Well-Known Member
just get good soil, use lots of nitrogen during veg and lots of phospherous during flowering... dig a big hole about 3 feet down fill it with soil, put ur babies on the top and it will alow for maximum root growth. its fine to transplant them just dont stresss the roots. put in the whole round of soil in with your new soil and you wont have to worry.. pack it down 2 cms from the stem but not too much and its all good

yeah i try to go there every 3 days


Well-Known Member
yeah my soil recipie is on here. i ry only once a week. ill probably go tomorrow to fim it and check up. its almost been a week. ill probably water also because its been very very hot and humid.


Well-Known Member
little update... i checked on it a couple days ago. mother fucking deer!!! ate damn near my whole plant. i dont think its going to make it. and there was a little hole dug next to it. like some animal was looking for something. i am pissed.


indoor plants grow alot quicker, and i think its safe to say they are alot easier to take care of, you dont have to worry about animals and other critters getting to your plants like snails and sparrows. but outdorr growing does have its goo qualitys and your plant can flourish outdoors even at temperatures of 75 degrees, it will take work but your weed will grow splendid