Nervous in US


Active Member
I live in the US and have decided to start growing. I am a bit nervous about ordering/aquiring seeds. Any advice?


New Member
Wait a minute ...

There are some good seedbanks out there that you can buy from. They are trustworthy, deliver in a timely manner and package with stealth. Here's a good one:

And, I directed you right to Joey Weed's menu. Joey is a reliable breeder of F2s. I've grown out plenty of his goods ... and good they are. Try the AK-47 x C-99.




Well-Known Member
drchronic 31 of 31 sent, less than 10 days for arrival... also dont b scurd... if n e thing customs wont chase u down if confiscated.


Active Member
Put it this way, the UK is the Big Brother nation of the world, if people in the UK can order and not get busted then the States has nothing to worry about.

Plus its just been reclassed in the UK.


Well-Known Member
Put it this way, the UK is the Big Brother nation of the world, if people in the UK can order and not get busted then the States has nothing to worry about.

Plus its just been reclassed in the UK.
naw man think about it. it depends on where u live n what state in the U.S. but still ull never know if u dont try. ask yourself, "is my hobbie or interest worht this trouble?" my answer......"helll yeah, all my shit is worth it...." im pretty damn sure almost every1 on here says the same thing. if ur scurd. go to the library, order ur shit, have it mailed (where ever), if u get caught jus say u never orderd it. u kan tell ur credit company that u never check ur bills n that u never noticed the charge... might not hold up but i would believe u.

P.S. im high as a kite soo i dont know if this is makin sense. but yea. jus do it.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
grow bagseed.... bud is good if you put effort into it... the reason alot of commercial weed sucks is b/c they don't love it.... if you love it and pay attention to it it will be great smoke


Well-Known Member
dont know about u but my herb doesnt kum wit bagseeds. i think once like a couple years ago:blsmoke: but yea if u find o1 ar 2 that would work too.


Well-Known Member
get ya seeds from Dr. chronic... Be smart and tell no one!!! That is the best way to stay and be safe... The more time you spend here at riu will find that you can get pretty much as much support as you could hope for... good luck and welcome to riu


Well-Known Member
get ya seeds from Dr. chronic... Be smart and tell no one!!! That is the best way to stay and be safe... The more time you spend here at riu will find that you can get pretty much as much support as you could hope for... good luck and welcome to riu
well f**king put... when u order, opt. for the super stealth. its a lil extra but i think they put it in a lighter or sumthin. drchronic, nirvana, hempdepot, sacredseeds are jus a few i use but drchronic is the fastest so far.... u kan kinda tell frum my loc where im at, so u figure it out. is it safe to order from them when u live in the u.s.? no. will it arrive? most likely.

edit: ohhhh yea, welkum to RIU...