Nematode ? Gnat Larvae? Theres so many of them AHHHH!

Alright, so for a while now i have been trying to figure out what the "worms" pictures / shown i video below actually are and whether or not they are beneficial or of concern. SAt first, i thought oh no this is the worst fungus gnat larvae infestation I have ever seen, but, there where no gnats, or at least not enough to justify this giant population of the mysterious little creature and they don't have the blackheads, as far as I know, are much more transparent then fungus Gnat larvae. Then i thought they might be nematodes but all the nematodes I have dealt with or purchased were either really really difficult to see with the naked eye, or impossible without at least a 10-30x magnifying glass, preferably more like 60x for a clear view. can anyone clear up what these are and whether I need to worry or be happy they are showing up EVERY grow, sometimes more than others, and i have looked for the prior to starting my grow and don't see them so the origin is also a mystery. Although i have seen some of the long the stem at times, and other times confuse the with what was sure are fungus gnat larvae, they don't seem to be causing much damage, or at least not where it is killing the plant or substantially damaging it which if they really were bad i would think that growing with this many all over would be impossible. So yea, pleas let me know if you hav any info, and if needed tips to get rid of them because when i tested out various pesticides like spinosad, neem, even hot pepper juice, they seem to start switching around but ni dot think it kills them so they arep[retyytought too


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Well, folks, I solved the mystery... These, and by these I mean plenty to share, are PotWorms ... And yes... kinda funny that the name is fitting to the crop but I guess there are quite a few species of these sometimes clear, sometimes whitish worms and they pretty much do the same thing for the soil that any earthworm or red wiggler will doo, only much smaller, but the castings are beneficial and will aid in breaking down organic material providing nutrients for the plant. HOWEVER, 2 bad things, 1, during germination they can get into your seed and cause problems here so if you have a ton I would germinate outside soil then just transplant the seed over. I've never had a problem once the tail is out so no big deal and like I said I have been seeing these for a while just didn't search the right thing on youtube I guess.. 2nd bad time to see them is in your worm bin if you vermicompost... This means that the habitat is too acidic and too wet for wigglers and other such composters and you should make ph adjustments etc asap!

Here's a good video... pot worms explained in 1 minute ...