Neglect = Autoflower?


Hi all. Before I get down to it, a short story.

In high school a mate and me grew outdoors. Come harvest time, a seed or two got lost along the way... a while later, when the season's crop was all but gone, we found a runty little thing out behind a shed. It had survived with very little light and only rainfall. Whatever, when we found the little minx she was coated in trichs. We harvested her and smoked her up. Even still a bit green after a quick dry, she was the best smoke we had of the crop. She wouldn't have even stood 30 cm!

Back to now.

I amrocking a stealth veranda grow. Light is sub optimum, but my ladies are going well. I went with autos this time because they don't get so tall/visible.

But after reading around, I am starting to develop an idea, that sub optimum, uncontrollable light length (sunlight), might just result in something similar to an auto cos the veg period is compromised/non-existant. I only get about 8 hours/dayright now (more in summer, but I can't control for changing light angles).

So what do you think? Aside from reduced yield etc, does sub optimum light and no/little veg period = auto (or similar)? If so, then I might well go for regular strains next grow.

PS - currently growing inside, supplementing with lights is not an option