Neewbie needs help


Active Member
Hi everyone thanks for reading my post hope u can help, i have checked my seeds today i put 5 in a paper towel 2 have roots a about a inch, one other has a tiny little show of root this is coming upto 48 hrs now, so thats where im upto, so my question now is should i put them into there pots i have little 6 cm fiber pots, that im going to fill with soil and plant about 2 inch in root facing down. rite so far? now this is where ive read a few differnts people saying diffenrt thing when ive put the seed in to the fibre pots what should i add to it just water? nut? fert? and then put under light i have a 600w bulb, any ideas of how far away from the pot?

i no ive asked a bit but realy need help incase u couldnt guess this is my first time.


mr west

Well-Known Member
what type of medium are u gonna be using? You should need to feed seedlings for at least 4 weeks. I hate those fiber pots, ive not had much luck with them, I prefer the jiffy peaat pellets


Well-Known Member
and hey mr west its been along time buddie:blsmoke:

i been told to plant as soon as you see the seeds cracked cause you can scrape shit off the new tap root so early an shock it

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah i planted a seed too close to the surface and it jus fell over till i buried it lmao..
Im good thanks UKcyrus mate, been a while init lol. I dont germ seeds in paper towels for that reason. The roots have tiny hairs that intertwine with the fibers of the paper and wen u take the seedlin out it rips em off.


Active Member
thanks for that what do you do with the seeds then i only did it that way coz alot seemed to say this was the way to do it. thanks for the replies guys

mr west

Well-Known Member
At the end of the day its a weed and will grow what ever u do lol within reason obviously lol.