Neeming indoors - how to minimize unpleasantness


During the summer I usually take indoor plants outdoors when I spray them with neem oil to cut back on the unpleasant odor that seems to permeate everything in the house if I spray directly indoors. That won't be an option for me when it gets colder in a few weeks so I was wondering what other people did to spray their plants with neem and minimize the odor indoors?

I was thinking about building some type of box that you could put the plant into and have it be air/water tight and have multiple nozzles that automatically spray neem from all directions from the inside with a fine mist for a minute or two to ensure 100 percent coverage. Maybe they already have something like that? I don't enjoy breathing the fine neem mist every time I spray and outdoors it blows in my face and eyes A LOT when the wind hits.

Maybe I'm over-thinking all of this, but that stuff is terrible for a day or two after spraying and I'm not looking forward to it. Has to be done though. Guess a grow tent would help

Anyone else dread neeming indoors?


Well-Known Member
Its only unpleasant for about 24 hrs or less. I just deal with it. I dont think spraying them in a box will help any


Active Member
Mineral oil does the same thing, and no smell, costs less.

Do you have a spider mite problem or just paranoid?