Neem oil ..Captain jacks


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to notice little knatts fly around . Bothering the shit out of me. Last time I used neem oil my plants did not like it one bit. What's the proper way to use this without burning up my plants. I've got the spray bottle version .but I'm thinking of diluting it even further?
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You can try bti microbe lift. It might work but Im in drain to waste coco and though its worked for people it didnt for me. Nothing kills the little jerks but preventing them from coming in in the first place. I have pots sealed shut.

I do use athena ipm on my coco before processing/using it. You can use it with a plant in the medium but only for an hour. Hopefully you dont have the radioactive freaks of nature type of gnats but many people solve it with basic steps.
Diatomaceous earth, sand, and lots of other things on the top of the soil will help control or eliminate them. Do a search for knats here for a few threads on controlling them.
Good luck!
I'm starting to notice little knatts fly around . Nothing the shit out of me. Last time I used neem oil my plants did not like it one bit. What's the proper way to use this without burning up my plants. I've got the spray bottle version .but I'm thinking of diluting it even further?
Neem oil for fungus gnats won't do much, except encourage the flyers to spread out.
I've just used Bt-i mixed into fertigation, never needed more. Just make sure they are gnats and not Root aphid larvae.

Biological controls: Bt-i, nematodes, Met52 fungus (Metarhizium brunneum)
Chemical controls: Azirdiractin, permethrin
Physical controls: sand, DE, cardboard, panty hose netting etc.
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