Neeeeeeeeemmmmm oil!

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
OK now I know someone out there will point out to me a situation where this wont work. but for 99% of bug problems. There are 2 things that will do the job.

1 Neem Oil, bugs fucking hate this stuff, you put this on your plant and it would be like pouring rancid cod liver oil on a 10 oz rib eye. If they do eat it it will make them sick and die.

2 Pyrethrum/ Pyrethrins this kills bugs rapidly by removing the waxy substance that makes them water proof, causing them to dehydrate and die.

I here a bunch of you saying but I want something natural, well they both are damn it, one comes from the neem seed and Pyrethrum comes from chrysanthemums, both are approved by the USDA for use on food crops. Most people who had lice had that crap rubbed into their scalp.

Hell if your dog has mange or fleas neem and pyrethrin will do the trick.


Neem it every 7 to 14 days for constant protection.

If you put neem and pyrethrins on your pants before hiking you wont get any ticks either.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
Neem oil will break down in about 2 weeks so i would say you are good until you flush or 2 weeks before harvest. However neem oil will actually cook the leaves if it is too hot. But spraying down the less useable parts of the plant should be fine. Neem oil is actually used in cooking in several parts of the world. I use it on my tomatoes during all phases of their growing cycle. I also spray down the area around my plants just to reenforce the do not eat zone.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
if you are more than 2 weeks out you could spray the buds too the light will break it down , but I would spray them only if I saw bugs on them namely you cant use them with bugs on them, and I dont doubt that it could change the flavor of the bud. Neem smells kind of like citrus. you can also plant garlic, chives, onions, cilantro. Bugs hate them too.
Thanks. Used the neem oil 2 wks prior to harvest. killed most of the flies. get back with ya on what the buds taste like.
I am using neem oil (einstein oil) on my plants to fend off a white fly and fungus gnat problem. It seems to be keeping there numbers down but I cannot get completely rid of them.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
you can hit them with pyrethrin, it comes from the chrysanthemum. It is fine for humans, dogs anything that doesnt have an exoskeleton or get some lady bugs and release them but dont do both. As pyrethrin attacks the exoskeleton and its water-tightness.

You could aslo try planting cilantro in the grow area. If you like garlic you can get some garlic powder and mix it with water put it in a spray bottle and go to town. I would bet that it is going to make you weed taste like an italian restaurant.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
grey mold no i would suggest you go to a hydro shop or reputable gardening forum and ask them tell them you have powdery grey mold on your orchid, i love this stuff called neem py
it is neem and pyrethrin which kills then discourages them from coming back. i dont know the optimum rate but look through the label of the neem you got it might actually tell you. also if you have white flies get some white fly traps the stick to them and die. neem is great if you use it as a preventive measure but if you already got an infestation you need to kill the little fuckers and thru all means available . If you cant find white fly traps get some regular sticky fly traps bugs land on them and they dont fly off.