needing veg ideas


Well-Known Member
My veg area is going to be 18" deep 5' long and 6' high.

I plan on having 5-7 mothers in here.

I can't decide 2 150w MH lamps or 1 400w MH lamp

I know that the 400w will cover more area, but since I have a long rectangle as opposed to a square area, I was thinking I would be better off with the 2 smaller lamps.

What are your thoughts? Also if you have links to your setup that is similar, please link.



Well-Known Member
Your right, it is probably better for coverage of a rectangular area to have 2 lights, but you could always get the 400 and put a light mover in. And only being 18" wide, your not gonna fit a big enough reflector anyway to really cover that 5' length.

Personally I would look at the light mover.


Well-Known Member
with that in mind

depending on my heights of the trays and tanks, I'm going to be talking inches away from the light like 6" top, would this be a problem with either light? I plan on having them air cooled, but using the regular hoods. (I will have a cool tube in the flower room)


Well-Known Member
Took me a few times reading that to understand what you meant.

I don't use cooled lights, but I'm sure someone here can let you know, or do a bit of reading and see how much distance cooled lights can save you. If they weren't cooled then I think that may be a problem. I use uncooled 600's and I think I can maybe get away with about 20" away once they are older. Not very similar setup to you, but to give you and idea. A 400 isn't gonna put out as much heat and 150 aren't gonna be nearly half as hot.


Well-Known Member
You would use alot less electricity if you use a 4 foot, 6 bulb, T5 reflector.

These work great for vegging, clones, and mothers.
For flowering I'd get something with a bit more juice.


Well-Known Member
ya I was looking at the T5s. I'm just wondering if They will be able to grow out my moms fast enough after I cut the clones. I will only have 5 mothers and plan on growing 9-16 sog. So that will mean I'm going to need aboutg 20-24 clones cut every 2 weeks to grow for the SOG.
I'm worried that the T5s wont grow the mothers branches back fast enough


New Member
You can always put the HIDs in a cooltube if you have to. If you keep the perfect temps and humidity, the only difference would be the $$$.


Well-Known Member
ya i ended up; ordering a 400 watt MH and prolly will just use t12s for clones or at least start out that way and move up to t5s

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
Aircooled the 400 should be fine...My mums get 8" away from my 1kw light whe it is stationary before I need to worry about them. With my rail running in the veg room I have had mums grow till they were touching the glass over the light with no ill effect.

You made the right call going with HID to regrow mums every 2 weeks.....sounds like someone did some ALs threads....thank

Good luck


Well-Known Member
ya I just don't think t12s have the power to regen branches. I cut some lowers branches off a while back on some plants from yellowing, and I have not seen any kind of new growth at all. I think I would only use t12s to grow clones or to grow plants that will go from veg to flowering. But I just don't see them great for regeneration.

Ya my whole process is coming from Al. B and Stink bud and VV. I have 4 pages of notes. Just hope it pays off.