Needing Some Info

Kid A

Active Member
Hi, i'm new to to indoor growing but have grown many successful crops outdoors. I know most of you seasoned growers hate these kinds of questions but your feedback will be deeply appreciated.

I am currently using a Tek T5 fluorescent 432w light system using homemade Co2. I have 8 plants about 3' in height 2' diameter..i was wondering what kind of yield per plant i can expect. Just started using Miracle Bloom Booster to kick off the flowering.

Again...I know there is no exact answer..just looking for a ballpark figure.


Well-Known Member
first off, welcome to RIU.

people are very reluctant to give an answer to this question......

there are too many variables to give you a real answer. we don't know the strain, what your habits are, what all you've been feeding it, what the temps and humidity is, all these things and many more play a role in how much you'll get, so there is no way of accurately giving a ballpark even.

Kid A

Active Member
The other thing I was wondering is what are some of the best liquid nutrients out there to promote more thc.


Well-Known Member
You'll get about 2-3 ounces a plant, depending how long you veg for. And I have used all sorts of nutes and none have ever help grow more THC than the next, that i could tell.