needing plant area and volume height ingo


Well-Known Member
Still planning my room

At it's largest size
How big will I need to plan for LxWxH do I need to plan for for a plant from Veggin to flowering.


Well-Known Member
Well that all depends. they say you can fit a plant per square foot. but as for height you will need at least 3 ft for comfortable fitting btu still tight. i would try 4 ft tall adn like 1 1/2x1 1/2 ft jsut for one plant.but if your lookign for more than one plant look into more of the sizes of 2-3 ft by 2-3 ft.that way you can maybe do a 4 plant scrog or sog and with 3 ft high preferablly 4 ft high you can get decent yields. but height depends on when you switch the cycle over to flowering and some people do this from seed to ensure shorter plants with jsut 1 single cola....look into it or ask need to state more of what you want to get better answers though bro
hope i helped ill check on this tmmrw


Well-Known Member
my are asize total for the vegging is about 4x7. So I wasn't sure how to plan for how many plants can fit into that area. I think I'm going to do a drip system for that area. But I'm going to do a waterproof concrete drainage system with a radiant heating with tile over it to keep it warm. I have a bsement area and i'ts goign to be freezing here in a few months. So I'm taking my time and planing my room out nice. So I guess the question is going to determine how much heating lines I need to run in there. Im' trying to maximze my veg area but not make it so crowded as to eat up all the light.


Well-Known Member man well with a 4x7 room as 4 feet deep and 7 foot wide with a normal ceiling height as its in your basement than i would think oyu can fit in at least 3 rows of 5 plants comfortably and allow them to grow fully....but if your using this area for just vegging you can crame in nearly 4 rows of 7 plants....1 plant per sq. ft. so that would be 28 plants.....but i mean thats only if its gonna be used for veg.if they go into flower and oyu have that many plants it might get cramed....unless you start floering quickly for height and do something like sog.
as for the heat issue....with that big of an area you will need some heavy duty lights...correct? well if you got a hid light in there than im sure that the heat will control itself if you have the room blocked off and depending on how cold it gets the light should be able to heat it up if not than you just put a heater in there without all the extravagent planning....just a suggestion.
as for the drip system sounds good bro....are you going soil then to start and moving to straight hydro or what?
what are more of your ideas im curious


Well-Known Member
if you run 2 X 600 watt metal halide lights in there for veg or 2 X 1000 watt MH you wont need to heat you will need to cool via ventilation fans


Well-Known Member man well with a 4x7 room as 4 feet deep and 7 foot wide with a normal ceiling height as its in your basement than i would think oyu can fit in at least 3 rows of 5 plants comfortably and allow them to grow fully....but if your using this area for just vegging you can crame in nearly 4 rows of 7 plants....1 plant per sq. ft. so that would be 28 plants.....but i mean thats only if its gonna be used for veg.if they go into flower and oyu have that many plants it might get cramed....unless you start floering quickly for height and do something like sog.
as for the heat issue....with that big of an area you will need some heavy duty lights...correct? well if you got a hid light in there than im sure that the heat will control itself if you have the room blocked off and depending on how cold it gets the light should be able to heat it up if not than you just put a heater in there without all the extravagent planning....just a suggestion.
as for the drip system sounds good bro....are you going soil then to start and moving to straight hydro or what?
what are more of your ideas im curious
Right on brother. I take account all replies from above. The total room used to be a coal room for the coal burning furnace. You have to climb into the room. I have the area to climb in covered with black plastic from the inside Wth a big tapistrey covering the outside wall /hole. Then I have sheleves with rollers on them to slide them away. Pull back the tapistrey, and then crawl into the grow room.

So right now my whole room is about 10x7. The ceiling height is lower as this house was built ages ago, so we're talking about 6.5-7 ft high. So as you walk into the 10x7 area, on the right will be the vegging area as I described above. To the left will be about the same aas vegging area. So I have about 2 feet in the middle to house pumps, electrcial, sensors, and all that stuff. I like a clean layout, so cramming wouldn't be my thing. I have OCD in some things, so symmetry and space is a must for me. Keeps me in check.

Right now I'm just using bag seed and 4 tube 40 watt floruscents. I have about 6 plants growing right now. They are about 2 weeks along. I'm just using miracle grow atm. But my idea is to mothers these girls. Clone and veg em for 2 weeks, then flower them to see whats up. Clear out the girls. Mess with the other clones and then switch them over to the rockwool cubes.

I decided the drip system to start out with. I picked this as this is my first time with anyof this. So to me without the experience of messing with water heights on an ebb and flow system, that a drip system would be easier to calibrate and set up it's sweet spot needed to water the ladies.

I have some reinforced concrete poored in that right side where the vegging area will be. It's a 2'x2' block strechted the length of the foundation wall there to help support the conrecte poored stairs. So what I'm going to do is just use this reinforcement as the base of my grow tub/table top. I'm going to frame off of that 1' and our a conrecte tub/basin I'm going to have a drain line installed to that that will run to the main of the house. I will do this for both grow areas. So that way I can opt to recycle the water/nutes, or what I'm done I just just drain them out the main line. That will save on the hassle of lugging those tubs around with water.....hmm with that in mind. I need to plan to branch off the water supply lines. I want a one stop shop to grow in. So water supply = me happy.

So the thing in here is I'm in the midwest. No it's not the north, but I do know my basement gets down to around 40-50 degree F. I've never had my water lines frozen so that is good. So I know I'm going to want some heat in that room when the lights are off. The room will be very much enclosed, so I don't want to use a external heater. So I decided to just plan for radiant heat with tiled line tub/basin. Once I'm up and running , I can just have the radiant heat turn on with a timer/ temp sensor and hopefully that should make climate control as far as heat /cold cycles go easy and stealthy. Like I said, I like things very clean =) I'll just need to double check how the nutes could possibly affect my tile/grout and vice versa.

I plan on using a 1000W lampfor both veg and flowering. HD/HPS.

The middle of the area I'm just going to have a stand with adjustable shelves with 4'floruscentson the top of each row. I'll use this for my seedlings and clones. I would like to use a drip system for these things, but I'm still reasearching and learning what I hope will be best for me. Where I'm at with this, is that I'm still dialing in the info on nutes/water ammounts to feed the babies versus the greater amount to wich the older ladies feed on. I don't really want to mess with 2 tubs of nutes possibly 3 when you factor in the flowering room. Down the road when I'm better, but not I don't think in the beinging. I want to prepare for success, so the less things I have to deal with on my first room, the less I have to correct when I make errors.

And so the flowering room, I'll do the same in there. But will have the ebb and flow system in there. I'm deciding on this because Like I said earlier, I think it will be easier to control the water heights as neeed for the plants because I should have ltos of roots on the ladies by this time, and they should be able to get the water heights managed with little fuss.

So this is where I'm at in my head. What thoughts of mind I have constructed from learning on this site.

Right now I'm working on the first row of my stand. The 6 plants are just about 2 weeks old. I want to make the stand like a shelf. It will have 2-3 rows. I will plan the height of the row to 1' of plant growth height. Then I figured when they get 1 foot, I'll move them to the tub.
I want to make the bottom of row where the plant sits to have a tray or small draingage system on it too I think. That way I can water there, and allow over flow of water to drain out the potters/cubes in the tray without risk of having my lights on the lower rows blowing up.

Thanks again guys.
I am a bit stoned right now as all this reading of the site has jsut made me horny for a toke. So I know this post was long winded.


Well-Known Member
damn bro sorry it took me so long to get back at ya man.yeah that sounds like you got it down good. but im gonna give you some suggestions just letting you know what i would do based off of all the things i have been told by other growers and such....jsut info and pure my 2 cents.

alright you got one hell of a room there and you can really make it into a good grow room for sure. you can split it off into 2 rooms of equal size but make sure that it is light proof alright man or you will find your plants going hermy or having troubles down the road. you can def do jsut the 1 1000w on each side and that should suffice. get one metal halide and the other hps
as for the drip systems man that is a good idea but im sure you can start just regular soil bro and then advance the techniques as you get the growing process up.less ahssle and after your first complete grow you can advance it and by then youll know exactlly how you will want to set it up ya know but the first time see how it goes and then expand ya know bro.
as for the heating you might be good bro specially if you cant vent your area to well it might not drop to much specially as the one metal halide if you keep it running 24/7 in the veg room and exhaust it between the 2 rooms in that 2 ft space and that should keep temps at an ideal i wuld see where the temps are before oyu do anything extravagent..remember those lights are gonna be hot as hell use em for your advantage. if you dont want to go 24/7 just have the flowering area light going while the vegging is off and vice versa so you constantly have some heat blowing in there.
also a good hood to look at would be the 4x4 sun hood for optimal placement of hte lighting.
if you do 4 rows of 5 that will cover your plants good and your looking at 20 plants done every cycle.
also with the vegging room jsut throw your mothers in there no need for a seperate room
if your gonna branch off oyur house water make sure it is ph stable and ppm stable that it doesnt have to many minerals in it to throw off your ppm level with nutrients.
also tak pics of the place and post em up so i cna see it and as you do it so i can see the end result.hope i helped you and maybe made you think about some things liek the temp.i think youll be good without heating if you go them lights baking the room warm!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. Ya It's a slow process. I'm in my 30s so I have enough patience now to take my time on these things.
Right now I'm going to upgrade my main breaker box to a 200-250 amp box. Off of that I'll run a sub panel to the grow room. It's definatly going to get vented. If I can't do this right, then I'm not going to do it at all. Heating while lights are on is easy =) My main concern is when the lights are off. So I'm going to do radiant floor heating on top of the concrete floor and also I'm going to make concrete grow trays that will have the radiant heat on them too. And then just tile over that. Prolly will have just 1 sensor for the floor area and then depending on the reads off of that, might at a seprate sensor for the grow trays.

I think I'm going to go with a SOG style room. So I'm going to divide the room up a bit differently. But after my reasearching, I think this is the route I want to go. I have height issues too, controling or maintaing heights of the plants is a big issue. The SOG will allow me to flower after the clones tap and will go into the room between 9 and 12 inches. This is what I'm shooting for.

So as of right now:
Hump 1) Upgrade electric. I want to do this before doing anything, because I don't want an electrician down there after the setup is in place.

Hump 2) The old chimeny that the coal burner used is still there. Right now I have the exhaust from my furnace running up that chimeny. If I want to maximize the space, I need to get up on the roof and take that chimeny out and replace the roofing on that existing exit for the furnace. This will also allow me to make my kitchen 2 feet bigger when I go to redo my kitchen. But FOr the grow room I'll be able to run all my exit vents right next to that furnace straight up and out.

I'm also researching on tiles to make sure that any nutes wont hurt the tiles and to make sure the tile/grout won't hurt the nutes.

AS far as adding a new water line, it's no different than using the wter from my kitchen. It's the same stuff. So what ever probs I may have from the kitchen tap, is going to be the same if I add a line down there. So that isn't an issue. I was thinking about adding a drain line in that room so I can do a straight dump out of the room, but since this is going to be stealth also, I don't want a strip of new concrete covering a new drain coming out of this corner room across the run of the basement. So What I'm going to do is just have a 1 inch hose with a hook up on it that will go up and tie in to my waste line plumbing and just use a bib/collar to attach it on that line. Then what I can do is when I need to change my tanks, I can just use that pump to empty the nutes out. Remember I want to do as much work in the room as possible. No lugging tubs around.

So my mental checklist for my grow room planning is this:

Heat Control
Air Control

then the rest. I want this room stable from the get go.
Thanks again for your input and thoughts.
I'm going to call the electrician this week and get some quotes on the box change out. I can wire to boxes no prob, but I don't want to change out a whole panel by myself. If I get the room done and going by january I'll be stoked.