Needing help with my first grow!!!


New Member
Ok guys Im getting ready for my first grow and want to do it right and i need a little advice. Fist off I am going to use the super silver haze auto. strain. I will be growing 10 plants and will be building my own grow box. I was planing on making the box 4ft long, 3ft wide and 3ft tall. I have done some research and want to use led lights because of the low energy cost. My questions are 1. how many lights would i need and what watts? 2. What size should my vent holes be? 3. Would this box be big enough for 10 plants? 4. What type of nutrients would i need to use? I know its a lot to ask but like I said I want to do this right. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
3ft tall is going to be pretty limiting with how many plants are gana fit in a space like that and I think 10 will be WAY too many at once...somewhere around 4-6 plants would be proper I would think. You are going to have to train the hell out of them for 3ft height, especially with SSH as your strain. As far as nutrients, find whatever works for you based on the method you want(organic vs synthetic). I wouldn't buy organic soil and then pour synthetic nutes into it. DWC is actually a pretty noob-friendly hydro method for only running 4 or so plants..maybe use 3.5g instead of 5g to save space. If you wana go organic soil, you can check out a bunch of recipes sticky'd to the top of the Organic Forum. Just don't waste your money on all the magical additives out there, stick with the basics to start.

But as far as LED panels, they are only worth your money if you are going to get use one of the quality manufacturers. If you poke around the LED forum you will see that some of the better manufacturers are Bonsaihero(hans panel), Area 51, Apache Tech, California Lightworks, and a few others. For instance, the hans panel 85w LED is tested as being at least 50% more light than a 90w UFO. Don't waste your money on the Chinese garbage all over the place. They make big talk of "theoretical watts" without much testing and science to make an attempt at proving that theory. I think one hans panel would serve your efforts pretty well to start with.