Needed materials help!


Active Member
Hey ya'll I'm new to this site and new to growing . I'm planning on growing in my closet , I'm thinking of building bubble ponics any tips on what materials to buy will be much appreciated.Rite now I have 97 bag seeds just sitting and 250 w HP's or mh light.


Active Member
Yeah dude, do a little research first then ask specific questions. No one is going to hold your hand through the whole process.

Good luck with your grow! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Decide on room or tent, think about exhaust and odor control, fans, how big of a room or tent, those bubbleponic kits or w.e. are usually a waste of money, a lot of DIY threads around and on this site, look into Hempy bucket method

there is so much info out there that could walk you step by step youll find em :weed:


Active Member
Thanks for the Info guys I was just asking for tips like said I'm new and I have done research but people have so many different ways to grow.


Active Member
I always recommend getting your environment set up first. Light, exhaust, fans, etc. Know your temps and get them dialed in. I wouldn't recommend hydro or dwc type setup if you can't control the heat.


Active Member
Thanks for the Info guys I was just asking for tips like said I'm new and I have done research but people have so many different ways to grow.
Understood it's just that there is a TON of information right at your fingertips which with a little research you'll find. Here's some basic guidelines to follow when first starting out:

1) The ideal square footage to light ratio is approx. 1:50. In other words, for every square foot of your grow space you want at least 50w of lights. So if your grow room is 3' x 3', you have 9' sq. ft. (sq. ft = L x W), therefore you would need at least 450w of lights (9 sq. ft. x 50w). At that point you would need a minimum 400w HID (HPS or MH) + 50w of CFLs and/or LEDs, or ideally and simply a 600w light.

2) Since it is your first grow start with soil, which is very forgiving. From there get your clones and establish a mom plant. After your first soil grow if you feel confident progress to hydro for your second grow. May I recommend hempy buckets (, they are as forgiving as soil but produce nearly the yield of hydro.

3) Do not over-water or over-nute!!!! Both are rookie mistakes that most of us make. Invest in a moisture/ph tester when going soil. As far as nutes, do not give ANY nutes for the first week or so of veg, and whenever you do introduce nutes start at 1/4 strength and work your way up from there depending on how your plants respond. This is true no matter what phase your plants are in (veg or flower) - ALWAYS start with 1/4 strength of your nutes, no matter what anyone says. Remember, you can always add more nutes, but you can never take them away once added.

4) Make sure the PH of your water is right around 6.0. For soil it is a bit higher, for hydro a bit lower. 6.0 is just a medium which won't adversely affect your plants either in hydro or soil as much as say 5.0 or 7.0 will. For a newbie maintaining that 6.0 range is fine. As you get more experienced and want to experiment with results/yield, then PH becomes more important and you'll need to focus more on it.

5) Don't count your yield before harvest/dry/cure, or don't count your chickens before they hatch!!!! In other words, concern yourself with only each phase of the grow and what they need at that time. Worrying about yield or the finished product when you just germinated is a simple exercise in futility and a colossal waste of time.

Do some research and good luck!!!!!! bongsmilie