need YOUR EXPERT advise


Well-Known Member
so i transferred my plants to a hydroponic garden fr soil did every thing by the book and i think that i did every thing right i know that they were kinda big to do that too but i took the chance rinsed out all the dirt fr the roots and put in clay pellets been keeping an eye on my resivoir and been keeping the ph at about 5.5 to 6.5 they are really starting to shoot up and get real bushy since i topped them and know i am starting to see a big differance in hydroponic so here is my question? have been getting the curling of my leaves and i really dont know why the edges are starting to change in color and turn a lil yellow to brown and have these lil spots on the fan leaves what do you think that it could be..really need some help and i would really appreciate any ones input thank you guy let me know if you have ever encountered a similar problem like this????? how do i get the humity a lil higher in my room also want to raise it cause im stuck at about 50 percent and want to increase it just a tad bit.:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie