Need your advice on temporary light schedule for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i started 3 Autos (Green-O-Matic) and 2 Photos (Applejack & Dinafem Cheese) 6 days ago. Now i know i started them too early to plant them outside, but over here the weather is fine (22 to 28 Celsius in day time, 14 to 18 Celsius in night time).
Since i started them too early, the only issue I'm worried about is them starting to flower. I read a post somewhere here that if you add an additional light during the night, it will prevent the plants from flowering.

So i had an idea of keeping them on my balcony during the day (4 hours direct sunlight) and placing them back inside at night time for 3 or 4 extra hours (depending on your suggestion) under a kitchen light. But this is just temporary, I'm waiting for the days to get longer and the plants to grow a bit bigger before placing them outside in a few spots i have ready in nature.

Here, the sun rises at 6 AM and sets off at 7:30 PM. So my plan is to keep them outside till 7 and then place them back inside for 3 or 4 additional hours under the kitchen light for just a month or so.

Here are a few pics describing my indoor lighting and balcony:



Well-Known Member
You don't have to supplement lighting put them outside they will be fine I started my beans outside the last week of March we are in spring the light is getting longer outside

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
Just leave them outside, they won't be mature enough to start flowering for at least a month. And if they are auto's, they will start when they are ready.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
The additional light will have no effect on stopping or delaying flowering. Some auto flowering strains can begin flowering in as little as 10 days from germination although 14-21 days is more typical. Autos planted outdoors should be germinated in late spring to maximize the number of peak-sunlight hours. I normally germinate mine around 6/5 but your planting date can vary depending on latitude.


Active Member
if they are seedling put under flouros 24/7 for 2 weeks,switch to 17/7 for 2 weeks,put outside last week of may every day and back inside(maintaining 17/7)for a week,plant out first week of june