Need to clone asap. How soon can I?


Active Member
My plants are 3 weeks and about 6" tall. I need to clone as early as possible because I only have one small grow room. When is the soonest I can clone a plant?


Well-Known Member
well truthfully you can cut as early as you want to, but the stronger and healthier the plant the better ratio you will have on living clones.. the closer to the bottom of the plant will be better to cut early there the closest to the roots and will probably root faster.. but seriously the healthier the better..


Well-Known Member
It might but if you have a healthy plant it shouldn't. In my experience plants that are super healthy recover in 1-3 days or need no recover time at all. In any case cloning it now will help you produce bushiness as I have seen people topping their plants at around your plants size.


New Member
I usually cut 6" clones but I've cut a mother down to a single bud site about 2" above the soil when I was low on time and she ended up becoming a 5' tall bush before I discontinued growing that strain.
I forgot to mention this only works well if your using a feminized strain. If you use a regular strain and you clone too early you risk hermie or worse a batch full of cloned males... So if it's a regular you want to see pistils before cloning.


Active Member
Patience grasshopper. Of course a lot of us need clones NOW but sometimes we just have to wait. You want to clone from a healthy plant so do what you can to encourage vigorous growth. I especially like organic root supplements in veg. Wait until you can clone the required amount of plants for your space, if it's small as you say then you'll only need 3,4...5?
There are no short-cuts if you want to do it properly. Do you know what strain it is?
Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
I have cloned a clone from a clone as early as 17 days old... It was from an 'of age' clone with calyx... now, I clone almost every day... how are your clone skills? If you wait until the plant is say 10 nodes [5 opposite nodes spaced] I would say still too small... I like 2-3 nodes above medium... and two or more under medium... I am cloning to have more female plants.... at first you would be cloning just to show your plants sex? Good Luck man... If you wait for 10 nodes, you could "Top" it, and clone top...


Active Member
After reading, I am going to wait another week or two. I have a GDP and Delicious cotton candy that I would like to clone. I do have reg seeds for GDP. I have three that I will clone and then switcht to 12/12 and then pull males once they show. My motivation is twofold......Alot of seeds are getting confiscated. I had mine. I feel the technology is making it harder to get seeds through so I want to take advantage of any females that come out of my GDP reg seeds. The other is I only have one CC seed so I want to stretch it a little.


Active Member
The common consensus here on Riu is that because it's getting harder to pass seeds through the borders, many are turning to growing seed with what we have.


Active Member
The common consensus here on Riu is that because it's getting harder to pass seeds through the borders, many are turning to growing seed with what we have.
I only have one grow room so its hard to do that. I may do that with an outside grow and just grow for seeds.


New Member
Most people will do the opposite of what you plan. if the plant is a male all the clones will be male. I've never heard of cloning an immature plant and coming up with different sexes. Than again I've also never clone an immature plant. I'm not saying it's not possible I'm just saying you'r risking time and money by cloning first.


Active Member
Most people will do the opposite of what you plan. if the plant is a male all the clones will be male. I've never heard of cloning an immature plant and coming up with different sexes. Than again I've also never clone an immature plant. I'm not saying it's not possible I'm just saying you'r risking time and money by cloning first.
The reasoning behind this is because I have one light so when it goes on 12/12 everything goes on 12/12. I will label each clone and discard as sex is shown. This will get me more females producing during the flower grow. Hope that makes sense. I need to get clones maturing asap to get the most out of them when I switch soon.


Well-Known Member
its a shame you don't have another small area to put a tray of cuttings under and keep them on a veg period while your plants flower
if you could make space you only need 20watts of florescent or cfl light to keep cuttings going

you could put your plants into flower shortly and take cuttings at around 7 days of 12/12
doing it this way would get you more foliage sooner as the plants will have a big growth spurt during early flower

during veg from seed plants do not tend to start growing very quickly or become large until after 4 weeks
they often do more growing in veg from weeks 4-5 than they do in weeks 1-4
as soon as you see shoots on the plants you can clone them if you need to


New Member
skunk does have a point. I don't know what your growing situation is like so I cant pretend to know the best setup for you but I do know that I kept a mother under a clamp light and growing vigorously by using a Y adapter for light bulbs and 2 23w daylight cfl's. In a closet. If you insist on doing things the way you suggest and it sounds like you do I suggest you read up on environmental factors that influence plant sex so you can somewhat increase your chances of having females. For instance if the plant is grown in a hot environment there will be a larger percentage of males.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 nodes on plant. Will it stunt growth of mother cloning that early?
IMO, yes.

I like my cuts to have at least 4 nodes and usually 5 or 6. Then you still need to have 2 or 3 left on the plant for new growth.

Don't be in a hurry. You have to go by the plants pace, not yours.
