Need some suggestions about setup.


I need some advice. Until now I have grown for only myself. I only had one light and I grew from seed every time and harvested every 3 months or a little longer which was fine. Now I need more. I'll leave it at that, here is what I have:
An 8' X 8' space
(1) 1 thousand w mh
(1) 1 thousand w hps
3 mothers
1 cloner
All the containers and medium I need

I would like to be in perpetual harvest, taking a crop at least once a month, but what I really want to know is whats the best, most efficient thing I could do. Doesn't have to match my ideas, like I said I only ever grew one group at a time before, so I'm open.

I'm thinking to really do it right like I'm wanting that I'll need another light for my mothers, but for now this is what i got. The moms are small now, but will get big and since I'm wanting to rotate 3 strains it means they won't be getting cut back often. Does keeping mothers small and cutting them back when your not making clones reduce potency? Will there be enough room under 1 light for everything in the veg room - mothers, clones, and vegging plants?


Well-Known Member
For an efficient sequential / cyclic grow scenario stick to just one strain, you favorite with mid range everything, vip is the early finisher
1: is the germing and early veg =1 month 15% room required.. T5/cfl
2: veg = 1 month 25% room required.. 1kw Mh
3: bud = 1 month 60% room required.. 1kw HPS
You may find you need more time on the budding but strain selection will fix that


Well-Known Member
Picking the right strain is important for perpetual gardens. My first attempt quickly became a mess when I had sativa-dom's in the mix and got all sorts of backed-up on my schedule. Hybrids that lean indica would be your best bet. Optimally you want a strain that finishes relatively quick (8 weeks in 12/12) which is not as easy as you'd think. I've learned to add 2 weeks to any breeder's claim of flower time. I currently have Kannabia's Karamelo that was supposed to finish 6-7 weeks and some of them are heading into week nine and are not even close. I blame this on cool flower-room temps, but still......

As far as grow room set-up.....8x8 that includes a place to veg does restrict how many plants you can have going at once. I would section off a 1x8 area for veg and if you're trying to harvest once a month, go with 2-4 plants at a time at one month intervals.

I wouldn't use the 1,000w MH for veg....too much and too hot for small plants. I would go with T5's....2 X 4 bulb four-foot fixtures with 6000K bulbs. If you got great venting and are able to handle the heat, I'd run both MH and HPS in the flower room. Keep 'em high though. I run both MH and HPS and I get rock-hard buds from them.


I've got three 8-9 week strains. This was all given to me, and they were making it work somehow. I didn't think their set up was very efficient and they only harvested every two months. Thought I might could do better, but maybe after the 1st harvest or two I can purchase some more equipment.

Lilroach: the plan is eventually to have both 1000w in the flower room, but for now, this is it.

Vostok: its also the plan to create a third chamber, but again, this is what I have right now.

I guess I should have said that the plan is to have a three chambered system.
1: mother/clone room powered by fluorescent or led
2: veg room powered by a 600w dual spectrum
3: a flower room powered by the (2) 1000 watters.
With all that light in the flower room I'll be cranking them out as fast as I can but I gotta work with what I got for right now.