need some info on my 6x6 flowering tent design


Active Member
alright so I want to use a 6x6 tent for flowering (i am renting so i can't build anything). I am planning on using a growzilla with both hps and mh. a couple of questions i have are: would it be better to use a 600w hps and a 600w mh for the hood or a 1000w hps and 250w mh? the other question i have is if the heat shield is really worth the extra $50? i am planning on moving the air from the growzilla on its own fan and ducting.


Well-Known Member
As long as you are in the mode, I think your best bet would 2 600 hps for flowering that are covered and air cooled......intake outside-cool lighting-exhaust somewhere clever. There really is something cool about 600 w in that they share a lot of side light, they stay a lot cooler and watt for watt they always do me proper. They make switchable ballasts so you can give extra juice if you are feeling the need. They go up to 1200w w/ a 1000w hps. I love tents if you can get them dialed.....temperature is tough and I was always tought that environment is 50% of success. Wait if you were to get a ballast that could switch up to 1200w (i have one) you could just use 1 of everything and be good to go....also a MH could be replaced if you wanted a veg space. Grow more shorter plants.


Active Member
thanks burgertime. i already have a veg room but i want to utilize full spectrum for flowering. the growzilla has 2 sockets, so i could use a mh and hps together. just wondering a good ratio of mh to hps


Well-Known Member
The thing that comes to mind is the ratio will be weighted toward hps rather heavliy. With this, the MH will have to be positioned much closer so with a fixed position such as you are looking at here I don't see a real answer. Compact Flourescent bulbs perhaps, t5's, leds.....but the math only works for you if the bulbs are of equal wattage. There also may be multi-vapor bulbs that throw a bit more blue spectrum in there. Out of curiousity, have you heard exciting things about full spectrum?