Need some Help

What's up guys I had a couple questions on my plant I hope im posting this in the write place. Ok first off is what is causing the yellowing on some of my leaves on the bottom of the plant? I have looked online but I can't tell if its over/under fertilization or something else all together. My second question is about the new branches trying to form at the top of the plant should I pull those off I think read somewhere to pull them off but can't find it again, any help would be greatly appreciated I posted a bunch of pictures to help. Oh and if you seen anything else wrong feel free to let me know thanks everyone.

Soil- FF Ocean Forest
Nutes- FF Grow Big 6-4-4



Well-Known Member
Don't trim the new growth and do you add any Calmag to your formula? It looks like it could be a calcium shortage. If you are not using Calmag, you should start using it now as shortages usually start showing up at around 5 weeks.
No I haven't used any cal mag ill go get some today I assumed my nutes had it in it. And I don't need to pull the new branches trying to form at the top? I wanted to try getting a main single bud at the tops of all my main branches.