New Member
So, I got some good seeds and i started them off and everything was going good. I have 2 Plants ( Plant 1 blue container - Plant 2 grey container) and they are about 5 weeks old. so when plant 1 was about 2 weeks old, the stem kind of fell over, but I managed to save it. Plant 1 is doing very well, nice thick main stock and total plant is about 1ft tall, but the stems are purple and the leaves seem to droop at night but rise back in the morning. So plant 2 on the other hand, is not doing so well, the growth has stunt a bit, and the plant has some brown tipped leaves curling down. Bot plants are in roughly, 5 gallon pots. Now on to my rookie mistakes, rookie mistake 1) I used garden soil in my 4 gal. pots, so not much drainage 2) i wanted to use nutrients but the soil I got has slow release nutrients in it for 3 months. I ordered the "advanced nutrients micro, grow and bloom. I plant on transplanting my plants with in the next 3 weeks into bigger containers roughly 18 gal. So I guess my questions are 1. why is plant #1 have purple stems and droop at night? 2. what should i do in the mean time with plant #2? 3. why is plant #2 have brown leaves and curling down? 4. what should i do with the shitty drainage in the mean time? 5.How should i transplant them, when should i transplant? Any suggestions would help me out tremendously! The soil I am using is "Promix, Organic Vegetable and Herb Mix". Let me know if you notice any other rookie mistakes.