Need some help with wiring and extension cords

Wonder if anyone can help me, I have 4 600w HID lights and 2 150w fans all plugged into this heavy duty 8 way contactor ( ). My problem is it doesn't reach the plug sockets on the wall, they're about 4 metres away. I cant seem to find a really heavy duty extension lead that I think is sufficient enough.

My question is, can I make one and if so, what would you suggest I need?


Well-Known Member
A good heavy duty extension cord will do, and what do you mean wiring you fans in series?


Active Member
Yea go to electrical supply of big box store ask for 3-wire extention cord type and have them set you up with both ends. done plug it in
Ok so I'll build my own one then, as the contactor is 26 amp and one plug can only hold a 13 amp fuse should I build a dual wire/socket extension to plug both plugs into?

as for the wiring the fans in series I mean is it possible to wire them like this


I should point out I'm in the UK so have 240v mains

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
If you wire the fans in series, if one fails they will all fail. Also, the farther down the circuit you go the less voltage each fan will receive. Wiki article on series & parallel wiring. You'll want to use parallel wiring. That's the way houses are wired, both in the US & UK.


Well-Known Member
Why not just go to Lowe's or Depot, and get an "Appliance" extension- like for a dryer...........
Get the shortest you can get away with, a 4,6, or 9 foot.