Need some help with soil and nutes


Active Member
Hey guys,

I am about to start my first grow and i don't know what soil to use.
There aren't many option for me locally,so i'll list them down.
Also keep in mind that i'll be growing auto flowers so i'm probably not gonna be transplanting.

Bio Bizz Light Mix
Bio Bizz All Mix
Plagron All Mix
Plagron Batmix
Plagron Royalmix
Plagron Lightmix
Plagron Growmix
Guanokalong Complete Mix

Any of you have used or heard about any of these?

Also what nutes should i use? I can find most brands locally.

Any help appreciated!
Brand name soil that comes from those plant nurseries, or grow shops aren't needed. It's overkill for a first grow attempt. You may be an a extremely intelligent person with some horticulture knowledge. But when it comes to growing cannabis, a lot can go wrong in such a short period of time. My advice; get a bag of miracle grow potting soil. As far as nutrients, don't worry about them until you've got some healthy babies with at least 3 sets of new leaves. My advice may be quite generic, but I think you should start out small and work your way up. Who knows you may run into so many problems that you decide to quit. I give this same advice to people who want to try golfing. I see so many people on the course with $2000 clubs and don't know a thing about golf. They try it for a few games and then quit. Good luck, with your decision making.
For a first grow i would recommend bio bizz all mix. It has alot in it already and all you really need is some epsom salts( an Mg source and maybe Ca, but if you buy some fert it will no doubt have Ca in it...sorry that could be confusing). The people at the shop will try sell you the light mix for seedlings and the all mix to pot up too, but i started with the allmix and never had an issue with sowing straight into it. If i remember right the all mix bag says its 2.1-2.3 ec and the light mix is 1.2.

epsom salts for the transition from veg to flower as the bio bizz range dosn't have a lot of Mg in it.

The light mix isnt a very good medium. Has enough in it for the first week or two but you have to supplement it, especially in flower. It also seems to lose what ever small amount of lime it has in it very quickly. (pH issues ensue.) and thats the last thing you want in flower.

the all mix works very well with the bio bloom(bio bizz) fert, you could also start adding the top max for example but I didn't find much improvement using it and not using it. (Was a while ago so they may have change the formula when they change the bottle design.)

Got a friend who uses only Plagron, and he swears by it, but i wont comment as i dont use any of their line.

I have moved on from soil but still use it for all my other plants, and some mothers or when i want too...

If you really want to buy ferts maybe just buy the bio bizz bloom and topmax. Fert water water , at about 2ml per litre bloom and topmax. Also it was a while ago but i remember reading on there website that you get greater benefit when using the top max separate from other ferts , so it would be a fert, topmax, water instead of a fert water water. Sorry I'm ranting now,, like i said though with the all mix you wont need ferts, just some epsom and water. Anyway.

take it easy and best of luck to you.
Hi, I have always used the bio-bizz range. It works for me and gives me great results. I would use bio-bizz light mix soil for your first grow, as if you use the all mix which contains more nutes you may make a mistake and over feed your babies with nutes. I use all mix now and so could you when u have done a few grows. To go with the light mix soil useThe bio-bizz rangeof liquid nutes. Use root juice, Bio-grow, Bio-bloom and topmax. Follow thebio-bizz feeding chart and you wont go far wrong. Hope this helps. GW