Need some help with lights


So I have one grow currently under cfls almost near harvest and looking into the next one. The cfls worked excellent for veg but I have really small buds right now and I'm looking for another type of light to use that would be better and that I could use with a normal outlet any ideas?? If so how would I do it (like if I have to install ballast or anything along those lines)


Well-Known Member
depending on ur grow size id recommend you go with a 400w ceramic metal halide set up. U can use the same bulb for veg n flower and it burns much cooler then all regular mh n hps bulbs. I just put a cmh in my mini grow and dropped my temps 5+ degrees.

Check out

They got some very good videos on there u should watch.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Dude, you can use the Home Depot bulbs, no prob. They sell Phillips here where I am. Go with the CMH and you'll sacrifice a considerable amount of lumens for a lot more money. There may very well be a difference in the general use bulbs and the "horti-whatever" bulbs, but I'll be willing to bet you'd have to pull down a few grows to offset the difference in price. You can get a 250w, but I'd recommend you get a 400w and be done with it. If you stick with growing, you're gonna end up there anyway.
Yes, I've used just 400w MH thru BOTH phases, as well as a grow or 2 with HPS thru both. I've not seen a noticable difference in yield in either one.


Well-Known Member
Yeah def go with 400w. Like said above u don't need horti bulbs n shit to grow good stuff. I use reg home depot sylvania mh bulbs for veg under.

My last harvest I veg n flowered under hps and pulled just a lil under 2 pounds per 1k watts.