need some help please


Active Member
blessed morning.

me growing some seeds av germinated all 7 these bag seeds in paper towels put in a polly pocket, all them popped roots. two or three days a go a planted then in plastic cups with four holes in the bottom, the soil is organic compost with a hand ful ov vermiculite in evry cup, then a drenched them in water (till it come ot the holes on bottom of the cups) and put cling film on the top of the pots.

me setup is as follows- 6x3x2 ft brilliant white cupboard with the back ripped (seterilised) off for ventilation, 3 walls are covered in dimond embossed mylar. got me light yesterday its a 200 watt eco light in a power plant hood (the light does growth and vegg) and the light is on 24 hours and 1 1/2 ft away from the soil surface. (getting a 12 in deskk fan in two hours)

but still no sprouts? is this normal?

is my setup ok?

is me a light to close or should it be on atall?

jah bless:joint:


Well-Known Member
It'll take a few days for the seeds to pop out of the ground; be patient. As for your grow light, you could probably bring it in much closer but that doesn't matter much at the moment. They will sprout if the light is on or not. If you do choose to switch the light off to save electricity though, check on them every 12 hours because if it doesn't come on after they've broken the surface you'll find them stretching. Happy growing.


Active Member
4 are up since this morning. buzzin. what do yous reckon to watering the plants by standing them in a dish of water filled just above the drainage hole for the rest of the plants life and misting occasionaly, coz thats what the herbalist in the shop told me


Well-Known Member
That is a good way of watering plants as it encourages the roots to grow downwards in search of water increasing plant stability. I myself am not doing this because it isn't practical to have so many plates at the bottom of my grow area because it's more difficult to pack in the containers into a small area. If space isn't a concern however, do it. Happy growing!


Active Member
day 4 in soil-

well me herb is growin of the four that sprouted up one got attacked by mould (white hairy stuff) and is dead. the other three are about 5 cm tall the leaves have doubled since yesterday, so ive put the fan on them and uncovered the potts. another plant has sprouted today, tiny little thing.

am changing the lights from 24, to 18/4 will this cause ne stress?

in other news my lungs are so bad i cant smoke, im quitin tobbacco this weekend while the wifes away but am more diein for a spliff.

one love:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I assume you mean 18/6 unless you have some weird 22 hour timer. No it shouldn't really cause any stress. I prefer to have a few hours of darkness in there; one has less issues with heat buildup. The fan will help prevent mold and strengthen the stems so keep it on; lowering the humidity will also help (with the mold).


Active Member
day five-
the leaves have doubled in size today can see proper ganja leaves bout 6mm long, one is a dippy little runt style thing with a weird dot of brown on its leaf and some yellowishness ne ideas about whts up?

do you reckon i should put then in the dishes of water now just the roots are at the bottom of the cups now, am bit worryed i'll rot the roots if their in constant water dishage

sorry if this post dont make sense its been a long night and its taken me bout an hour to writ this....disgracefull:weed: