Need some help building my organic soil please..


Active Member
I picked up some things at the store today and I nee some help making sure i am on te right path.. also I need to know in what ratios to mix all this stuff at..

I got some Expert Garderner Organic potting mix
NPK .o6-.09-.06
Contains: Tirkey litter, Hydrolyzed feathermeal, reed-sedge peat, composted forest products, and/or composted rics hulls, canadian sphagnum peat moss, horticulture perlit,grounds dolomite limestone, organic fertilizer and wetting agent.

Glacial bay Soils composted manure and organic matter
NPK .5-.5-.5

Sta-Green Vermiculite
Derived from peat and sand 100% vermiculite

Biotone plus oganic plant food by Epsoma
.6% water soluble nitrogen
3.4% insoluble nitrogen
Available phosphate 3% Soluble potash 3%
Magnesium-1% (Soluble .6%)
Sulfur 2%
Derived from feather meal Dehydrated manure, Bone meal, Alfalfa meal, Greensand, Humates, Crab meal, Cocoa meal, sulfate of potash magnesium
Contains 5,678,688 colony forming units
Ectomycorrhizal fungi: 44,2000,000 propagules of 8 species/lb.
Endomycorrhizal fungi: 2,400 proagules of 2 specis/lb.

Glacial Bay Soils organic topsoil
derived from peat and sand...

Magnesium sulfate Aka Epsom salt

I'd like some input from you master organics gardeners if these ingredients will be enough/too much.. I need to know a good ratio to mic this stuff at..


Global Moderator
Staff member
Wow, thats a lotta stuff - try this one, its proven its worth for 3 grows so far - just make sure you mix good to avoid hot spots. I tend to add a couple things to this just to make it feel like my own concotion - I like bat guano myself, white widow flowers like a bandit ! BTW she's widow & almost 4 weeks into flower.

Super Soil Recipe

1 Bale sterilized soil (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolmite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
1 tsp fritted trace elements
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings

- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit 1-2 weeks before use.



Active Member
I looked to make the super soil and couldn't find everything seperate.. So i got some things with it all in it.. Is there anybody with any ideas on how to mix this stuf??

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I mix between 2 18 gallon rubbermaids for my small grow here. Subcool uses a big peice of plastic drop cloth and a inflatable kiddie pool. You are gonna want to mix it all then water it with some unchlorinated water and if you got any molasses then let it sit as long as you can so it can start to live. the bacteria that is.

a real garden center will have what you want. try google. dont bother with hydro shops, sides they get watched.

Well-Known Member
read about's important to properly digest fert's before giving them to the plants...composted fert's beat straight outta' the box...I tend to go for the basics:manures/guanos, charcoal, azomite, natural NPK sources(too many to list)-just try to cover the bases; no need to get ultra sophisticated...I mix the compost 30/70 to coco coir(structure for oxygen to roots, and proper drainage/retention balance),but perlite vermiculite will work too. my compost absolutely teems with worms! it has tons of kitchen scraps. some really good things are the herbal tea bags, and coffee filters. I should put in more citrus peels though. you can get the b.d.preps at josephine porter inst.(online) just don't mention weed!