Need some clarification on nutes and dwc


Active Member
I've tried asking these questions through the search bar and can't really find an exact answer to them. I was curious as to how often do you increase your nutrients? do you have to dump out the old water when you increase? do you have to flush between increases?

Sorry, I'm a newb. But I want to make sure I understand everything before rushing into it.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Increasing your nutrients: I've started 3 different strains out at 600 ppm and they all loved it. You'll just have to play around with it and see what your strain can handle. Most of mine start to tell me they can't take anymore that 1250 ppm. Their tips begin to turn yellow.

dump water when you increase: If you're going to increase your nutrients I would dump my rez. Your choice though. You can just add nutrients just mix them in a 1 gallon jug. Rule of thumb is change rez in veg stage every two weeks and flower every week. See what works for you.

Flush between increase? Nah. Just dump your rez. Put in new water. Put in new nutrients.

Good Luck. Just don't try to over feed your plants.


Well-Known Member
i normally change at every 2 can go longer...just depends on you.

no need for flush either...

and far as increases, i increase every 200-300ppms perse?

mileage may vary

also keep in mind, less is often more. and you can always add more. play it safe