need some advise from experience with which nutrients plz

so i just did my first grow, it went alright, i read a bunch of books n tutorials n all that shit, but they were kind of vague on the nutrients, i presume because they want you to choose ur own so ill tell u what i got goin and what i want to improve

the setup is a 5x5x6.5 grow tent
1000w mh(veg)/hps(flower) light - fan cooled as part of my exhaust, intake come from my window
9gallon pots with ocean forest soil - i will be switching to 5gallon pots next round
i did this grow using fox farms grow big for veg and tiger bloom for flower
i fucked up getting a 12-14week flower time sativa for my first grow, in oversized pots
thankfully it wasnt a total fuckup, i still got a pretty good harvest and am very satisfied for what i've gotten
i am revising much of my setup, such as nutrients, co2 boost bucket(any info on these would be great) and an air conditioner, let me know of any other enhancements i could make as well plz
my biggest concern is nutrients, i only did the 2 from fox farms so i cant really say anything about them cuz i didnt do it right
but from all to choose from, i see several people using advanced nutrients, fox farms, and several others
i care more for quality that quantity, but i want both of course..

so basically my question is, what nutrient line-up is best for quality
thank for any help guys


Well-Known Member
I'll say it and take the heat - Advanced Nutrients. I have used their Sensi series Grow & Bloom Parts A&B exclusively the last year. Very easy to use and I have used the same nutes in soil and in my first hydro set-ups. My very first homemade DWC in a 5-gallon bucket grew one whale of a White Widow Auto, an Afghani strain and now a White Label White Skunk. Easy to control my pH and PPM and I don't give a damn if they charge for the pics on the labels or if their salts are bought cheap and sold dear. It works!!!!!!

Last grows I added VooDoo Juice and B-52 and love both products. I have used Bud Candy and Fox Farms Beastie Bloomz and still do in flower.

Oh yeah - I have used H&G Shooting Powder like 3 times and it works. Don't ask me how or why but it did. Now, it did sprout "new flowers" where I had already pinched some - popcorn sites you know? But it also caused it to grow new bud sites along the stem ends between ones already there and building.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
all you really need from nutrients are the essential macro and micronutrients. Extras like amino acids, sugars, etc are not necessary. You can go ahead and add them, but if you read up on roots and their ability to uptake complex molecules like amino acids, you might think twice about buying amino products.

Do enough reading to know what your additives are for. I've seen people running hydro and adding beneficials like tarantula/great white along with h2o2. If you don't see what's wrong with that, you've got some reading to do. :mrgreen:

Any commercial nutrient will get you through harvest if you use them right. "Best" is really a matter of opinion, and which companys marketing strategy you buy into. Calcium nitrate is calcium nitrate, no matter which company bottles it. There are people that do great with miracle grow, and people who fail with AN. And vice versa. Point being that it's not the nutrients that make or break your plants, it's your ability to understand plant nutrition and use fertilizer effectively.

For what it's worth, I've grown with fox farm, dynagro, botanicare purblendpro, advanced, GeneralHydroponics, and house&garden. The only nutrient I wasn't happy with was house and garden, because their base A+B is not complete.

As far as the CO2 buckets go, they usually don't add enough CO2 to make a worthwhile difference. Proper ventilation will do a much better job.


Well-Known Member
all you really need from nutrients are the essential macro and micronutrients. Extras like amino acids, sugars, etc are not necessary. You can go ahead and add them, but if you read up on roots and their ability to uptake complex molecules like amino acids, you might think twice about buying amino products.

Do enough reading to know what your additives are for. I've seen people running hydro and adding beneficials like tarantula/great white along with h2o2. If you don't see what's wrong with that, you've got some reading to do. :mrgreen:

Any commercial nutrient will get you through harvest if you use them right. "Best" is really a matter of opinion, and which companys marketing strategy you buy into. Calcium nitrate is calcium nitrate, no matter which company bottles it. There are people that do great with miracle grow, and people who fail with AN. And vice versa. Point being that it's not the nutrients that make or break your plants, it's your ability to understand plant nutrition and use fertilizer effectively.

For what it's worth, I've grown with fox farm, dynagro, botanicare purblendpro, advanced, GeneralHydroponics, and house&garden. The only nutrient I wasn't happy with was house and garden, because their base A+B is not complete.

As far as the CO2 buckets go, they usually don't add enough CO2 to make a worthwhile difference. Proper ventilation will do a much better job.
Right on. It's the singer and not the song. Experienced growers learn from watching and doing. Doing what is needed and not in excess. Nutrients will not make a shitty grower a good grower.

I educate patients daily. I like AN because it is so damned simple with 2 ML/Liter (quart) of whatever. Can't be easier. When many ask they really need very simple solutions so they are harder to screw up.