Need some advice on lighting my first cabinet


Hello everyone, I've been growing outdoors off and on for about 5 years now, its a pain in the @$% to drive 15 minutes away just to maintain my plants every week or two so I want to start indoor growing.

I have some experience from wood shop (took carpentry at a technical high school) so I was going to build a stealth cabinet. I have all the ventilation/scrog down but I'm not sure what kind of lighting to use. I'm also on a tight budget, can you help me pick out some good light/lights? I was thinking of florescent but idk if that would be good for the budding stage.

cabinet specs:
2' 8" wide
2' deep
3' 2" high
(about 18 cubic feet on the inside)
two fans inside plus a vent hooked up to my sawdust vent, if anyone asks I'm just going to say that there is an air compressor in there lol its locked no1 will know.

My budget for lighting is about $100 I don't want to go all out just yet I want to get the process down first.

I'll post picks when everything is all set up and working
Thanks much!


Well-Known Member
Well if I were you I would go to one of those big home improvement stores and pick up those shop lights with the clamp and metal cone on the end. They are like ten bucks I think. Then buy a pack of cfl's. For me that was the most simple way. I grow for personal use only so it gives me what I need. Hope this helps. Good luck to you.


Ok thanks good advice I picked up 2 clamps for 23 watt bulbs each. I have a feeling my bulbs wont cut it later on tho.. So what wattage, actual not equivalent would work for a 2x3 space?