Need some advice on autoflowering lowryder strains


Active Member
Does anyone with experience know if the auto flowering lowryder strains really finish in 9-10 weeks?
I'm seriously considering starting a few now. That would put me around the first or second week of Oct for them to be finishing. Worst case scenario I would have to bring them indoors to finish.
After reading one of fdd's posts I am also going to try and go thru the steps to make one female produce seeds.

I'm thinking about dieselryder, lowlife auto ak47 and lowlife auto white russian. Shorter grow times and smaller plants would be much easier for a personal grow outdoors IMO.


Well-Known Member
IMHO buy a 10 pack of deisel #2 or lowrider and dont seed one female.....seed the whole fucking crop....harvest the seeds, hash the rest and get ready for 3~ different crops next year, all flowering at 1 month intervuls....then the main end of year harvest.

thats what my buddy did and he hasen't run outa weed yet this year....the end of year from last year got him to the first deisel harvest.