Need: Recommendation on Flowering Nutes? (help needed)


Active Member
nutes have an "NPK" rating, for flowering you want something that is high in "K", low in "N", and med/high in "P". Thats a general rule of thumb. Since I havent flowered yet I cant tell you from experience but I am using an organic, seaweed based product myself as well as superthrive. On top of this, I am going to start using a tea from my local hydro store that is full of beneficial living organisms. I cant wait to get some!


Active Member
What about general hydros floragrow? It's 0-5-4 but mine aren't in pots they are in the ground... Been using shrub steaks and rose steaks and shit like that in the past... I'm using pond water so I was curious if I could add a lil bit of the floragrow to each gal of water or is it just gonna be a waste of nutes? The plants only get a few hrs of direct sunlight because where I'm at it's so hot weather hasn't been under 100 during the day since may or June... Just curious any input will help...


Well-Known Member
Plant Amp.gif
Guaranteed Analysis:
Total Nitrogen (N)__________________1.5%
1.5% Urea Nitrogen
0.0% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.0% Nitrate Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2 O5)__________3.0%
Soluble Potash (K2 O )______________7.5%
Derived from Hydrolyzed Fish, Muriate of Potash,
Botanical Humus.

This is the first year I've used this. It is really frosting up my buds! All organic!


Well-Known Member
I've used "dry feed molasses" to help my buds during flowering. It made the ones I used it on last year frostier, and the buds more dense, than the control plants I didn't use it on.
I just spread a handful around the circumference of the plant (where the roots would be). Cost about $12 dollars for a 40 or 50# bag at any local feed mill
It looks like this:



Well-Known Member
The molasses has carbs and sugars in it (the same as alot of the nutes mentioned in this thread, just w/o the hefty price tag for so little!) that the plant uses during flowering to increase it's resin production, so-as to allow it to catch more pollen, and therefore serve it's purpose in life: to reproduce!

I thought I'd throw that in just in case anyone wanted to call bullshit or whatever! lol

Oh, and I didn't mention that I spread it around the plant to allow the rain, or when I water if need be, whichever, to wash the "good stuff" down to the roots a little at a time. You could make some sort of "tea" I suppose, but this is a hell of a lot easier and less guess work, w/ a lot less of a chance of nute burn. just spread a good dusting around the plant and move on.



Get a Bag of this stuff. Its called Bloom Master from Earth Juice. 0-50-30 No N Lots and Lots and Lots of P and K. Use with Caution follow directions.
