Hey guys,
Names bleedngreen306 Greating fron saskatchewan canada.
Now I am a smoker and have tried vaporizers and such and love them all, on the other hand my bf does not smoke. He has tried it and did not like the way it made him feel. Just the past few visits with my mother i have heard stories of them eating pot cookies. Which does not surprise me at all with them. This intreged my bf and i. He is willing to try pot cookies as he has not tried them and i know they are a different high.
What i am looking for guys and gals are some easy reciepes and info you can give me about them. Length of high, feeling etc.... as i want to have all info for this even for him...
I am so excited...i cant believe this i have been trying to get him for a while and this is a great way to do it.
Help me...send me or [email protected]
Names bleedngreen306 Greating fron saskatchewan canada.

What i am looking for guys and gals are some easy reciepes and info you can give me about them. Length of high, feeling etc.... as i want to have all info for this even for him...

Help me...send me or [email protected]