Need Protection for my plants, any suggestions?


I dont know what i should do for my plants i dont have them in the ground yet, i need some good protection from alot of bugs
anything that you think will work the best for me?


Well-Known Member
all depends on the bugs, you need to give more info. If you can't describe it very well, post pics.


i know that their are ticks, some ants, alot of different types of spiders, mosquitoes, ill post some pics of my area tomorrow.


i saw a fox back their 2times but thats it, should i get chicken wire to surround my area or should i just set up thorns around my area?

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
If you have seedlings in the ground you need to get some chicken wire around them. Also with the heat of summer you may need to check them daily or every other in case they need water.