Need pot size advice

I’m about to start my first grow in more than 2 decades and I’m going to put some of my plants in bags; particularly some auto-flower strains. Currently we’re gettin 14:48 of daylight here in our part of Texas. We won’t get a frost until late December or January and we’ll have more than 12hrs of light until the end of September. I know it’s on the later end of things but that’s where I’m at right now. Plenty of time to plan for a long season next year.

I was thinking about putting the auto-flowers into 3 gallon pots with FFOF and some additional worm castings, myco and ocean 90. I thought about putting a couple of photo flowering plants into some 15 gallon bags. Do you think these bag sizes are too restrictive with the shorter season and using a premium soil?

If you think I should go with bigger bags, what size?

FWIW - I’m also putting a couple plants in the ground in some of the larger holes I’m preparing for next season. They will range from 4’ radius x 20” deep to 7’ radius x 20” deep.
Ide put those autos in 10 gal pots at the very least and 30 gal for the photoperiods. Biggers always better for pot size imo
Ok, I took y’all’s advice and went bigger. I got some 10g, 15g and 30g bags. I’m going to do some comparisons - I’ll put one one auto variety into both 3g and 10g and one phot variety into 15g, 30g and into the ground. It’ll be interesting to see the differences in harvest during the same, shorter grow season. I suspect the 3g bags will eventually become transitional containers between germination and their permanent home.