Need Opinions


Active Member
This is my first ever soil grow just in the process of building my room and getting the rest of my equipment. All replies are welcome. I definitely need advice. So me setup is as follows.

-8 tube t5 4' reflector
-Soil: 1part foxfarms ocean forest, 1 part light warrior, with cup of dolomite lime to every four bags of soil. (What do you think? decent?)
-Nutrients: Using general organics go box line up. At quarter doses (really want to switch to either house & garden or advanced. Need help deciding).

They are still babies only 2 1/2 weeks old and just transplanted them in the new soil in one gallon containers. Need to get lights and fans this week. Planning on a 1000watt with ac reflector (input?) and a 600cfm fan total room is only 12' by 14' and I'm sectioning that off as we speak. Two rooms. Planning on something to mask the smell. I am playing with the thought of ozone because i have an empty room to play with. But most likely going with carbon filter.


They have some nute deficiencies. I am detecting the lack of mostly nitrogen. The PH is at 6.6 and I feed with 6.5 corrected. Just added some SuperThrive to perk them up a little and ease to the new soil. No ferts though because soil is somewhat hot. I let them sit in sealed containers while i kept it moist to hopefully start the breakdown process before. Sat like that for a month. Was that a bad idea?


Active Member
Today the clones seem to be perking up a little. I will fert next week. don't want to risk nute burn because i just put them in new hotter soil. Input?