need opinions and fast

Hello all...
Well I just started to germinate three bag seed although on I think is better than that....anyway lease is up in 5 months...which mean I have to get up and get out. Now my question is can I make it or should I just give up on the operation. Is there anything I can do to speed up the growing process, etc..

Thanks for all the help


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
if indoors you'd only need around 3-4 months. you'd be fine i'd have thought unless there are gonna be new prospective tennants and such being shown around (of which you'll get notice in advance, but you can't deny access to the landlord)
Well I would go 12/12 now but like I said before I'm still waiting for those beans to crack...any useful hints on how I can get these babys growing faster and such?