Need opinion, new grow room +rep to all help!


Active Member
Hey everyone, i've been setting up a new attic grow room lately, basically it is a dual sloped ceiling so its pointed at the top (about 6' high). Since its in the attic and nothing was ever up there before it is unfinished. What I have done is this..

I went out and bought black plastic liner, its basically the same material black trash bags are made out of. if they would have had white or something reflective i would have gotten it believe me. so i basically boxed off an entire section with this stuff. Come to find out that it is a little light penetrable, but its not too big of a deal as there shouldn't be any light coming into the grow room from the attic.

Basicaly my problem is this:

This black stuff that i have sealed off this room with is like trash bags, so white paint won't adhere too well (at least spray won't). Is there any other ideas or types of paint you guys can come up with?

I would get Mylar, but i can't find it around here and don't want to order it. Plus this room is pretty decent size and i'm on a budget here. Next option would be white paper i assume? I could get some spray adhesive and coat the wall/ceiling and lay paper down. But where would i get giant rolls of paper?
And don't suggest tin foil either, that shit makes hotspots.

Basically lookin for any ideas on materials/paint that i can use for this. and also since this stuff is a bit light penetrable, if i line the inside with white the light shouldn't leak out right?

I have pics if you really wanna see them just haven't resized them or anything yet

any help greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Why not buy some white trash bags split them with a blade then tape them to the inside of the black trash bags.You would solve the reflective problem & add more thickness to the blackout effect.Just an idea??Good luck & happy growing.


Active Member
Honestly i would save up some cash for lil while and build a frame with 2x4s and drywall. I doubt that plastic will last very long and it has the chance of ripping. In the long run it would be better and u would have less problem. Sorry if i shot down your dreams right now but its always better to do things right in the first place.
But if you do want to go through with it I think they make a spray paint for plastics. Good luck with your grow show.


Active Member
Hey Folly yeah this is one of the only few ideas i have right now. and i might end up doing this, just wasn't sure if it would be better to use flat white.

Oh and rotcodnatas yeah ideally i would have built a frame and drywalled it. but this is only going to be used for 1 grow, 2 max. My lease is up in august and i'm moving to chicago after that. it is a rented house and the attic isn't even supposed to be used, so while its perfect in that our landlord never ever even looks up there or anywhere else in our house for that matter, at the same time it would be a waste of money to finish such a crappy part of the house that we didn't have a reason to be in anyways. got my drift? thanks for the opinion though, ideally i would have done it this way no worries. and no you have not shot down my dreams at all.


Well-Known Member
at home depo you can get a roll of 4mill black for less then 20.00. but the 4 mill still lets light therw. or get news paper elmers gule "the cheep stuff" mix the glue water real thin soak the news paper and stick it to the out side of the plastic. once you get the shell done you can make it as thick as you want.


Active Member
Cool. Have you tried finding a hydro shop and getting panda film/visqueen plastic cause its cheaper than mylar and in some ways better.


Active Member
yeah panda film is definitely one of my options. it comes in perfect sizes for this room, and if i do end up ordering i might go with pandafilm


Well-Known Member
Go find some of those large wooden pallets that companys often use but throw away. Just up my street I can get as many as I want for free..

break them up, make a box, paint it white, add your light and you're good to grow.

Panda film is something I LOVE hehe. It's great!

You can build a frame and panda film it, check out the following link for a PVC piping grow tent.

Hope that gives you some idea of what you can do with Panda film.

Happy growing.


Active Member
Hey thanks for the advice guys

oh and Arrid i would do something like that but i would need a bunch of pallets for that. i got something figured out though

I'll have pictures later on tonight, er.. this morning i guess for me. lol my damn schedule is so messed up. i sleep through the day and i'm up all night. i'm headed up to work on the room now. pics soon.


Active Member
well before i head up there i'll give you an idea of what i'm workin with. these are some pictures. they're not that great and its kinda hard to get an idea of the size of the room with the black but heres the first few stages. oh and the first one is a pic of my cab i use for seedlings



Active Member
If its an attic like that why not just ask super markets and such for a bunch of moving boxes and break em down and fold em. Looks like the walls all framed up then just either stapple em up and put the bags over em or put the card board in the bags and stapple em up. If its the former you can rip down the bags when your done and leave the card board up. If the land lord asks you can say you were using it for storage and wanted to make sure no insallation got into your belongings. Or you can always take em down and tape em back up into boxes for moving since you'll probally need em any ways.


Active Member
thats a good idea as well. cardboard would have worked nicely. i like this room liner though because if i ever need to tear this room down and make it look as if nothing was up there i can tear the walls/ceiling down in less than a minute and it can be stuffed behind a wall that is next to my grow room that nobody would ever see, even though this is not really an issue, better to be safe. plus i just didn't want to go out and find stuff i had some room liner so i decided to just give it a go. so far the entire room has cost me about 10 dollars to construct. and its big!


Well-Known Member
I wish I had an area like that!Just remember "Heat"issues during the summer.Are there any duct work from a central AC unit running through the attic?If so?Tie into it for cooling your grow area.A friend had the same idea.But when summer rolled around.The heat was recorded @ 108 & no duct work.So it just didn't work out.Good luck & happy growing


Active Member
I am a bit concerned about the heat, but i will have great ventilation and will be adding an ac unit strictly for this small room if need be. the cool thing about these attic grows is that since the ceilings are sloped to one point, most of the heat will get pushed to the very top point where i can have a real nice exhaust fan to get it outta there


Active Member
yup totally man, keeping it on a small budget right now and keeping it simple. the room is almost done, i took a break for a while i'm about to go start work again, i'll have some pics up soon


Well-Known Member
What's the plan for ventilation? Go get you some sheet rock, it;s like 5 bucks a board. Looks like you don't need more than 10 sheets. Then paint it white. Get some panda if you don't want to do the sheet rock.


Well-Known Member
You can't go wrong with panda film. giant silver tarps would also work. Or for about 12 dollars a piece you can get 4'x8' sections of foil lined insulated sheeting. You'd be adding insulation around the garden as well that way. Or you could just paint it white.


Well-Known Member
This black stuff that i have sealed off this room with is like trash bags, so white paint won't adhere too well (at least spray won't). Is there any other ideas or types of paint you guys can come up with?
You can use Fusion Plastic Spray paint
I would get Mylar, but i can't find it around here and don't want to order it.
Mylar is not impenetrable by light, it does leak some light.
Basically lookin for any ideas on materials/paint that i can use for this. and also since this stuff is a bit light penetrable, if i line the inside with white the light shouldn't leak out right?
Like others suggested, Panda Film is probably the simplest, cheapest fix.