Need Marijuana 911!! lol


Active Member
I have checked the diagonostic threads and it could be low on nitrogen or magnesium, i boosted those and this morning they are still getting worse. Anyone have any clues what may be wrong with my plants? I got 35 or them coming from seeds and only a few are having the problems. I use a Ph of 6.2, 300 ppm, proper temperature with an intake fan for clean air, exhaust for dirty. Nutrients I use are : Advanced Nutrients : Grow , Advanced Nutrients : Bloom and Advanced Nutrients Micro, a 3 part program. Thanks in advanced



Well-Known Member
put them in some bigger pots. bury them up to the first set of leaves. do NOT feed them and back off on the watering. :)


Active Member
They went into those after germination, then when they are just a little bigger, they are going in a bubble hydro system ontop of lyla rocks


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ Now that they are rinsed, put them in their home.... The roots have no place to go... The roots should be very deep by now, but they can't leave the plugs... once they do, the light will kill them.... plant in your medium now...


Active Member
I have them on a 1000 wat MH right now, leave them under that in thier home or go to a 400 for now? they have been under it for a bout 5 days now


Well-Known Member
1000 is fine for them little gals if you have them spread out properly.... . How many square feet can you fit all 35 into once they are in their home?


Active Member
No i have 48 square feet. So back to t he problem at hand. So I have rinsed them and they are going into the bubble ponic home. Dont put any water or anything in thier resevoirs yet? just let them sit in air? and for how long?


Active Member
But what about the plants right now? Leave them on air for the day? Or put water in the resevoir? Im guessing just leave them on nothing for a little