Need lighting help for grow room.

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
what are the dimensions of the fridge? are you going to use the bottom for flowering and freezer for veg/clones?

I'd say 4 for the freezer and at least 8 in the flower chamber.


Active Member
It's not a full size fridge actually. I'm posting up a pic for any extra adice I can get from you to. Things are a little different as I worked on it for a while today. First off the top self is gone, I took it out. The switch is gone to. I got some fictsures in there to. How it is set up currently is the to ficstures set on bars that go across the rack mounts so they are adjustable throughout the grow. I dont know the dimensions off hand but I am guessing 22"x22"x3'. I will have some better pictures to post up tomorrow of the inside so you can see better. Here is a picture before I did anything to the fridge thought.


Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
You don't want 4 plants in there. 2 at the most. I'd try to get 4-6 CFLs if you are usiong only the 42w. 6-10 if you are using some of those and some 26w so you can have 6500k as well.

And I highly suggest getting some 6500k for vegging. From what I'm seeing it helps new growth at the base of the internodes a lot.


Active Member
You don't want 4 plants in there. 2 at the most. I'd try to get 4-6 CFLs if you are usiong only the 42w. 6-10 if you are using some of those and some 26w so you can have 6500k as well.

And I highly suggest getting some 6500k for vegging. From what I'm seeing it helps new growth at the base of the internodes a lot.
Thats what my buddy said. Is there any way to work out putting four in there? I saw a couple grows with them same space get four. I can hang two lights from the top going down the middle when needed. I saw that in another grow. I'm setting this up as professional as I can in hopes the four plants would work out.