Need Input


Well-Known Member
Long story short, pulled an out of town job in Vegas for the remainder of the week. I know ...lucky me. Leaving Wednesday early and coming home Saturday late. This wasn’t expected and I fed/watered the ladies Monday around noon. They’re up taking a gallon every 2 days at this point in 5 gallon fabric pots (organic soil). I would need to water again Wednesday around noon, Then Friday around noon then would be home Saturday. I have no one to fill in for me to take care of the ladies so I’m gonna have to get creative here.. I’m thinking I can water Wednesday morning before I head out but would be out of luck for Friday’s feeding. I’d rather not starve them for an extra day and a half as I’m in week 5 of flower. Any ideas? Could I give a full watering Wednesday, then fill up the runoff trays? I’d rather make them go longer without than cause any type of mold/pest issue etc.. any input is appreciated
I think if you water the morning you leave they should be ok. If you’re really worried about it you could try using a small reservoir of pHd water and a wick that is inserted into your grow medium. (I wouldn’t use any, or use a way less than normal, amount of fertilizer since you can’t monitor the response.) Otherwise, if you’re not growing under super hot HIDs they should make it a few days without their normal water and the stress might coax some extra resin production out of the deal too. Good luck g