Need Info.

Im working in a closet and BGK keeps going from 5 leaves to 3 leaves to 4 leaves to 5 leaves, whats this all about? Also I believe I need more light what's a great bulb to get, my closet is to small for a big hood? And I use FF Big Bloom and Guano for fertilizer, I don't think the the calculations are correct, do I need anything else or should I use more of 1? To each gallon of water I use 2 tablespoons of each (guano and ff bb) and I give each plant like a quarter to a half gallon; should I give more to food to each guy like 3/4 or all to 1? Man i'm in bad shape. I've been reading but nothing has been helping. HELP ME!!!!


Active Member
Im working in a closet and BGK keeps going from 5 leaves to 3 leaves to 4 leaves to 5 leaves, whats this all about?
It could be a number of things, but I think it is related to your light problem.

Also I believe I need more light what's a great bulb to get, my closet is to small for a big hood?
Depends on your budget, and the size of your closet. You could get a bare bulb 150w or 250w HPS or CMH bulb.

You could get CFLs.

You could get PL-Ls.

You could get t5's.

You could get LEDs.

Any of those will work.

And I use FF Big Bloom and Guano for fertilizer, I don't think the the calculations are correct, do I need anything else or should I use more of 1? To each gallon of water I use 2 tablespoons of each (guano and ff bb) and I give each plant like a quarter to a half gallon; should I give more to food to each guy like 3/4 or all to 1?
There are a lot of guanos. What is the NPK rating on yours? If you are growing in soil that sounds like you are going to burn the hell out of your plant with that much fertilizer.

What light(s) do you have now?
What is the temperature?
How tall is your plant?
What grow medium are you using?
If its soil, what kind of soil?
What do your plants look like now? Are the leaves drooping? Are they green? Are they crispy?
Can you post some pictures?
Are you in veg or flower?
I only feed them with the fertilizer like 1 a week. I got this High Nitrogen Mexican Guano which is 10-1-2. The FF BB is .01 -.3 -.7. The temp is in the 70's. The light I have, since it is in a long but narrow closet, produces 2700 lumes forgot what brand, I want to say GE. My BGK is about a foot tall, the AG is still a small clone freshy snipped bout a day ago and the other 2 are still seedlings which I dont fertilize. I use Ocean Forest soil by Fox Farm. Im still in veg stage and the BGK keeps changing blade pattern, 5-4-3-5 blades, the leaves are green, some droop, got some small yellow spots of blades, I'll try to put a pic of her up. I think I got it. 1) height 2) The top see how it went from 5 back to 3? 3) Leaf (see the dots) 4) leaf again 5) The bottom leaves (yellow and droopy) 6) My new baby AG



Well-Known Member
#1 - Quit feeding them. They won't need any fert for at least 2 more weeks, and even more if they aren't growing, or are growing slowly. FF OF is good soil, with lots of nutes, and will sustain them to a rather large size, without having added any nutes at all.

#2 - Pic #5 looks like you're having nutelock, because it's showing deficiencies already, in a medium that shouldn't be anywhere near being depleted yet. Don you PH adjust your fert mix, and if so, what do you adjust it to?(6.5-6.8, is a good range to shoot for) The deficiency could be caused by low PH, excessive nutes in the soil, or from the nutes being washed from the medium, due to excessive watering. Also, it could just be plain old overwatering, Hard to say, without more info.

#3 - Those pots should have more soil in them. It should be approx 1-2" from the rim, and that'll keep the plants fed for a longer period of time, before requiring any nutes.

#4 - Light. Choose something that will provide at least 3000 lumens per square foot, according to the square footage of your growroom.'ll need at least 30,000 lumens to cover a 3' x 3' area, which is 9 square feet.
So what your telling me is to stop feeding them nutes for a while, get more light, put more soil in the pots and don't water as much. I do ph the nutes to exactly around 6.5. In the bigger 1 I used ff of but mixed it with sand and peat moss with the ration 4-1-1. After transplanting I realized maybe to much sand so with the rest I cut down the sand to .5. Could it be all the sand thats trapping the nutes while causing the the pot 2 stay wet which leads to me overwatering (cause i put my finger deep in the soil its still moist but the top of the soil is dry) and nute deficiency? Like I said before I mix 2 tbsp of bith ff bb and high nit guano with a gallon of water, when I test the water its between 6.5 - 7, but i only test a little bit of it not the whole jug, could this be a problem? What would be a good feeding schedule? Should I transplant the big 1 again in a better medium? What do the orange dots on the blades indicate? Sorry but want to get this right?


Well-Known Member
^I've used sand to dress the top of the soil before, when trying to kill off fungus gnat larvae, and it effected the drainage, negatively. If I were you, I'd lose the sand, altogether. Add some perlite, if you want to increase drainage.

Yeah , it's also a good idea to stop using nutes for awhile. I use the same soil(with 15-20% perlite added), and don't give them any nutes, til the beginning of 12/12. They're about 20" tall by then, and in 3 gallon pots. When they're about 16-18" tall, I go from my 1 gallon pots, to the 3 gallon pots, leave them veg for another 7-10 days, then switch to 12/12.(the transplant to fresh soil, holds them over for another 7-14 days) The only thing I use before 12/12, is CalMag Plus. When they're close to 1' tall, I hit them with the Calmag, like once a week, and never get any deficiencies. By week 5, they're 20" tall, and ready for 12/12. I start using nutes during the first week of flowering.(the plants are approx 5-6 weeks old, by then) Vegging to that size, gives me finished plants that are close to 3' tall, which is a little taller than I want, so, I'm going to cut a week off veg(maybe 10 days). Hopefully, that'll keep 'em all under 30".

What size pots are they in right now? I don't think they need transplanted, but I do think that they are suffereng from something. My guess is I'd give them a light flush, then quit feeding them for awhile. If you get more light in there, that should get 'em the jumpstart you're looking for. :)
I believe I got them in 3 gallons right now, I hate transplanting, so I thought keep them in 1 pot the whole time but now I'm guessing this is a bad idea? My friend put me on fox farm big bloom and bat guano. I think your method is best tho. I'm chucking the sand for now on, thankx. Should I still put more soil in tho or is it to late? How does 1 flush per say, just water the pot with distilled water? I'm a total dnewbie and the books really don't help much. So I'm gonna get more light, STOP FEEDING, flush (which I will soon know how to do), and let them chill on the nutes until vegging, right? I got them on a 24 hour light cycle, should I change to 18 - 6?