Need Idea For Stealth Cab Door


Active Member
Okay, I've got a question for those of you who have ever made your own cabinets. I took a two and a half foot tall dresser, removed the drawers, glued the drawer panels on the front, and cut out the back which was a really thin type of board and made it into a floor for inside.

I got it all caulked up and ready to go, just gotta mount the lights and install a door on the back. I was just going to get a simple piece of wood cut, but before I do that I'm just wondering what else I should get so I can make it a nice air tight seal when I close it.

Any ideas guys?

By the way, the measurements for the cabinet are 27.5 inches high x 2 feet wide x 14.5 inches deep. It's going to be a stealth scrog grow.


Well-Known Member
can u not just cut a piece of wood out so its a really tight fit - like a plug effect. put a handle on it and turn it round so it faces the wall.

ud have to turn the unit round every time u needed to do something with ur plants but id say that would be pretty stealth.

good luck