need help!

Everything was going good until today, woke up checked on my girls and found this. She is blue dream, today is the 3 week mark. I have 6 altogether at different stages of flower. But the 3 youngest haven't looked as good as good as the others did at this stage. Some of the leaves have been curling down like a canoe, not like a claw, but like an upsidedown taco. They were still green until today, now they are turning light Brown. I know it's not light burn because some lower ones look the same way. I need to know what deficiency it could be. I'm feeding- 1 tablespoon rhizotonic, 1 tablespoon each coco a and b, 1 tablespoon cannazym, 3 ml calmag, 2 ml hydogaurd, per gallon, ph'd at 5.8. In coco. I did flush yesterday plain water phd to 5.8. Did not add nutes. Can anyone help I don't want them to die.IMG_20150715_082948.jpg


Well-Known Member
I am guessing you need a tds thing to do is up pot with new soil at this point and keep the tds in the 400 range until she picks up.maybe an easier nute line up here as well.
I am guessing you need a tds thing to do is up pot with new soil at this point and keep the tds in the 400 range until she picks up.maybe an easier nute line up here as well.
I have a ppm meter, haven't been using it though.... dumb ass move. Checked run off today, haven't been, it was over 2000 ppm wtf. Ph was perfect 5.8. I flushed until ppm was 200, unfortunately lights go out at that time. I will feed very light nutes until she picks up. Funny thing is I have 2 other strains that look great but all the blue dream look over Fed.