need help


Active Member
plants are well . growing miracle grow time release potting mix.21%n-.07phos.-.14potash. 36days 24 hr veggin want to change cycles in a week but there is 2 months left on the time release soil. When I water in flower cycle I have peters12-36-14 I want to use.Can I continue with plan to change at 42 days and will i be able to use fert. considering soil has time release ? I need to stay with schedule in my head because of hieght limit in grow space.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
double post???

LOOK at your leaves.. the plant will tell yo if it is hungry.. are they dark green or light green? or just perfect green?

picture please


Well-Known Member
from what i've gathered you have to be VERY careful adding nutes if you're soil is already "pre-nuted". I'm using MG 3month time release fertilizer as well and i'm not planning on using nutes at all since the soil's got it already. Mebbie someone on here has better idea?


Active Member
sorry no pics they are doing very well was concerned about the dirts fert content combined with flower food a week from now they appear healthy and dense ranging from 11 to 14 inches ,around 9-10 laterals per plant.


Well-Known Member
Well, you can Leech the soil by adding 2x the water as soil

IE 3 gallon pot, 6 Gallons of water.

That should clean most of the nutes out and wont hurt the plant, it will slow it down by a day or so but then you can add your nutes as you specify.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Here is a small garden that may interest you

3x6 feet
started from seed 21 days ago
13 days veg
8 days flower
1000 watt HPS on light mover
hasn't been watered in 9 days
3-4 gallon containers with moisture control MG
no nutrients... just pH water - pH Water - See More Buds



i see a male :(

