Need Help!


I bought these clones about 2 weeks ago. They seemed very stressed for the first week or so. They are now starting to grow though. Im just wondering if the 3 front plants look okay. Their lower leaves are very yellow and almost dead. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
What's your soil? Looks like the clones are getting too many nutes... see how the lower leaves are being affected before the canopy? Means your soil is too hot, and you're burning up your plant.

Flush all your clones with a gallon of water each and drain thoroughly... Unless you're using a soil that has ferts in it (Miracle Gro) in which case you need a new soil.


Well-Known Member
Could be lots of things. Have you fed them? PH of your water and/or fert mix? Looks like they might be underwatered, and starving, to me.


They looked like this before i had fed them any nutes. And im using an organic soil...cant remember which one right now. But i gave them a third dose of veg nutes and they seem to be doing a little better. 4 of them have taken off and grown a couple inches. The 2 smallest seem to be slow gettin going but im hopin they'll shoot up like the other 4 in the next day or two. Thanks for the replies.