
Hi i have just started growing. Total neeewwb :bigjoint:>>>any who i have a few questions. Im going to start my first buying 5 femenized snowwhite seeds from nirvana. Im buying: a grow tent thats 4 feet wide and high covered in mylar. I need your guys' help to make sure img etting the right things. I have these questions that need to be answered(dont laugh at any):

1. How many seeds do i put in 1 pot?(i repeat dont laugh)

2. Are these lights sufficient to grow the snow whites? Do they have too low wats? are they too hot??.If so what do i need to be looking for(a link to a cheap one will help)

3. Is this carbon fan good to use for my growing

Thats basicly it.. Hope you guys can help me. Im especially wondering about the lights? Guide me on the right path about the lights :-P


Well-Known Member
a plant per pot, always. and those lights will be good for vegging the plants but u will want a hps for flower, go to, the best deals are at this site, and cant answr the 3rd one i dont use carbo filters im legal so i dont care


Well-Known Member
1 seed per pot. otherwise you won't be able to separate the roots if you need to separate the plants
the lights are great but you'll need at least 2 of those for five plants
i don't know about the scrubbing fan - never used one