Need help


Well-Known Member
i am in the 4th week of flowering and my leaves are dying bottom up just yellowing and dying, could this be cause by my pots holding water to much or what


Active Member
In my little experience, i have found the same with the very lowest leaves I have put it down to lack of sunlight getting to the leaves at the i am wondering if i should be worried!!!


Well-Known Member
Its normal for a few of the lower leaves to yellow and die during flowering... but if it gets out of hand, you might want to post some pics so we can be more of a help.


Active Member
Its normal for a plant to drop any number of leaves during flower, some plants even drop em all damn near :-o, as the plant loses all its nitrogen and diverts the energy to the buds the leaves will yellow and die, This is why its not good to add much nitrogen during flower, typically 1 - 2 - 3 ratio. Too much nitrogen in the plant will make the smoke harsh.

Just my two cents

Look foward to some tasty smoke in my opinion:weed:
